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Lagavulin 16

Which reminds me I need to pick up a bottle for myself.
Good thing I have a bottle of Lagavulin Distillers Edition on hand.
Everyone that asks me what peat means when it comes to scotch, I poor them a dram. I simply say this is peat! One of my favs too. Congrats on having a great woman and a great bottle!
Good stuff and darn good sophistication in scotch from the motherland; complements to your wife. The Oban is another nice but different scotch :thumbup1:in the same price and age range.
Lagavulin's always been a favorite of mine (totally blew me away when I first had it probably 20 years ago, when it was one of the scant few malts you could buy here in the US), unfortunately it always seems to cost more and more at the booze store each time I think about replenishing my stock (though you can sometimes find it reasonably priced at Costco around the holidays) so I usually drink it in bars or when someone else is pouring...

Anyway, a few weeks ago I had some at an outdoor festival here in Texas, where the temperature was a balmy 100 degrees, and the Lagavulin was more or less at the ambient temperature, give or take a few. Now I approached the dram with a little trepidation, since surely the good people of Islay didn't intend for this lovely beverage to be served at something approaching that of hot sake at the sushi bar, but thought, hey, why not? Would you believe hot Lagavulin is absolutely fantastic? Added a whole new dimension to the drink, really brought out the smoke and sherry flavors. Either that, or maybe all the lager I had previously consumed had clouded my discriminating palate. Who knows???? :tongue_sm
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