Received a sample of this body wash with my last order from Fendrihan. Packaging looked attractive and when I tore the packet open in the shower, it had a great looking dark blue-green color and a great, almost overpowering scent. It lathered like crazy considering the small amounts used and I started washing. It took about ten seconds before I realized that my arms were tingling... A few seconds after, that sensation spread to pretty much every inch of skin I had lathered. I decided that I better rinse off, and quick. At that point, I could have sworn that I had doused my body in Gold Bond medicated powder, only stronger. The feeling went on for a couple hours and eventually disappeared. I had torn the packet open with my teeth and must have managed to get some on my lips, as they tingled like crazy as well, and the corner I tore the packet on actually went numb, like a Lidocaine spray at the dentist.
Gentlemen, let me give you this one piece of advice. Avoid this product or give it to someone you don't like.
Gentlemen, let me give you this one piece of advice. Avoid this product or give it to someone you don't like.