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KMF Paraben Free Sensitive Skin Latherability


Am I alone in this, or have others been less than impressed with the latherability of this cream?

I have to say that I am using a ten year old C&E Pure Badger brush and a smooth-glazed bowl, but I have not been getting very good results with my lather.

I have achieved much better results, latherwise, with my Cella, RazoRock cream and P.160 Tipo Morbido even while making lather with the above-mentioned brush and bowl.

Like my older, paraben-infused KMF, I seem to get better results by squirting a dollop of KMF onto VDH Deluxe and forming a superlather.

Does anyone else experience this?


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I just tried this cream for the first time yesterday, and wasn't sure if it was even supposed to be brush-lathered, but the other KMF creams do great with a brush, so I gave it a spin. I also used a C&E BBB brush, and I found this cream created a very rich, slick, protective lather. I don't know that it "pumped up in volume" like some do, but the lather I got was plenty for a four-pass shave, and did a great job.
Like Shelock Holmes we all have to deduct.
Your problem you'll just have to conduct.
With our best guess,
It may make more of a mess.
Perhaps you should try more product.
Hmmm strange, I've got both the lime and mint KMF and every time I use it, I get gobs of quality lather. Granted I use an omega boar brush and I also use a tobs silvertip brush.

Either your water is weird, or maybe it's your brush perhaps. I find brushes create better lather when they have been cleaned with a solution of borax.
Has anyone compared the scent of the new paraben free key lime with the old key lime?

Are they the same scent? Is the new one a stronger scent?
Has anyone compared the scent of the new paraben free key lime with the old key lime?

Are they the same scent? Is the new one a stronger scent?

I haven't tried the PBfree lime, BUT...............

The PBfree lavender and mint both smell stronger, and vastly better!!:thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:
I used the new KMF as well (never used the old one) and while it lathered, it provided little cushion. I squeezed three pumps on my Rooney 3/1 and face-lathered (maybe that's why?).
You must have weird water, because this creates fistsfull of meringue for me.

I might be that I just have weird water. In fact, I don't even drink the stuff for various reasons. Instead, I buy three-gallon carboys of Mountain Valley (from Arkansas) and drink that.

I'll try using some of that Mountain Valley for making lather. Let you know how that works.

Hmmm strange, I've got both the lime and mint KMF and every time I use it, I get gobs of quality lather. Granted I use an omega boar brush and I also use a tobs silvertip brush.

Either your water is weird, or maybe it's your brush perhaps. I find brushes create better lather when they have been cleaned with a solution of borax.

In addition to using different water, I will also try cleaning my brush.

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