Has anyone used the lime shaving cream ? I'm a big fan of anything citrus and was wondering if it ranks as high as the lavender variety.
I've used the lime, but haven't used any of the others, so I can't help you there. If it was all I had to use, I could be content using it for the rest of my days. Seems to work best for me bowl lathered. However, for me it's not as good as C.O. Bigelow (Proraso) or the The Body Shop Maca wood.
The scent is weak, synthetic, and one-dimensional.
That said, it's a nice cream.
I face lather with it and love it. Smells great, performs great, cheap, tough to beat.
Sometimes I will superlather it with mamabears lime ice soap. Very nice.
What them guys all said...I find that it's a great cream but very weakly scented.