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Kiehls Shave Soap

I've used the non-mentholated, non-brush version and quite liked it for travel and when I'm in a rush. Check our reviews section as I seem to recall a few opinions over there.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I've not used the brushless, but I have used the cream made for the brush, and I'll say that it doesn't lather that well at all.
But, it did a satisfactory job as a cream despite that.
There are better creams out there, and certainly ones that lather and smell better, but it isn't all that terrible.
If they are available in your area, consider Kiss My Face creams. Good lather, easy to make, protective and comes in many flavors. Good product for the price.

I have tried the Keihls. Worked ok, but no better then the KMF.
I like the shaving cream but I don't love it. The scent is medicinal -not a bad thing IMO- and the lather is decent. There are better products out there. Check the reviews, I know this one is in there at least once.
I have tried it. As I recall, the brush cream ("Lite Flite" or somesuch) lathered OK, but the smell was quite unpleasant.
I found the 'Top Flite" shave cream for the brush to be not bad at all. The scent is weird, especially when you smell it right out of the pot, but once it's lathered up it gets slightly better. Performance wise, it works just as well for me as the three T's... I got it as a gift, and wouldn't buy it for myself. In fact, I gave it away because I never use it, but then again, I don't use any creams...
I started using Kiehl's Lite Flite years back when I first wanted something better than the canned stuff.

While not a latherer or traditionally scented by any means, it's an efficient, comfortable, forgiving cream, that almost seems to have novocaine or some such numbing agent added to it.

I break out the Kiehl's every once in a while, and though it's not as much "fun" as others, there's nothing wrong with it at all.

It continues to be, along with Trumper's coconut, my favorite cream.
I've used the Kiehl's Lite Flight cream. Pretty average and you can get better for same price or cheaper.
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