Okay, I need some advice. A single female co-worker knows of my "shaving hobby," as it were. She has a 12-year-old son whom she tells me needs to start shaving. She told me and another DE-shaving co-worker the other day (half-jokingly) that she wanted us to show her son how to shave. So I'm thinking...I'd be honored! Now, it would seem a little awkward for me to come over and actually give "shaving lessons," even though the kid knows me. But I am interested in putting the lad on the right path. I tried to dissuade her from getting him an electric right off the bat. I'm thinking maybe starting him out with a Trac II setup so he can learn to wetshave before possibly moving on one day to a DE? Any mention of a DE and she says "he'll cut his throat!" So anyway, I'm just soliciting advice on where to go from here. My DE co-worker automatically said "Maybe get him a 3 or 4 blade cartridge razor. I immediately tried to downplay that idea, thinking a 2-blade cartridge would be better. I figure I could get him the equipment and maybe point him to some youtube videos or something? Maybe start him out with some kind of gel or canned stuff? My own experience as a teenager was really just trial and error, but maybe I could give him some pointers or something? What to y'all think?