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Keeping spiders out of my room

So I live in a back room outside of the house that's attached to the garage. I have pretty much sealed all connection with the garage and still find spider webs, crickets, earwigs in my room and always wake up with bug bites. My room is an awesome den, but I'm thinking about aborting ship. Any ideas?
Have a pest control professional come treat, then you can use a broom to. help keep spiders under control easier.
Peppermint oil is supposed to be a very good at preventing them coming in. Dilute some pure essential oil in a little alcohol or water and spray away (especially the corners), freshens up your space to.
Have a pest control professional come treat, then you can use a broom to. help keep spiders under control easier.

+1. I'm severely arachnophobic, so we pay for a local company to come out several times a year, and that helps keep them under control fairly well.
If you have spiders, you have other bugs. The spiders are only coming because they can feast on whatever bugs live in your room. Eliminate the bugs, and the spiders will go away.
If you have spiders, you have other bugs. The spiders are only coming because they can feast on whatever bugs live in your room. Eliminate the bugs, and the spiders will go away.


Termites like wood.
Ants like termites.
Spiders like ants.
Cats like spiders.

Get a cat and treat for termites.
Then get a dog to take care of the cat problem :wink: :biggrin:

Guess it depends on the cat :lol:


Mike H

Instagram Famous
I had good luck with Orthodox home defense, no odor, and not very expensive.

Edit...dang autocorrect,

Ortho Home Defense.
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Nobody suggested the Veg?

Why waste it? LOL

I had some spiders show up in my room. I had some tea tree oil around, diluted it with some water and sprayed it around the baseboards. haven't seen a spider since. I reapply every so often. Not saying it will work for everyone.
If you don't have a co-op or feed store locally, you can order Demon WP from Amazon. Not terribly expensive. Use a gallon bug sprayer like you can get from Walmart. I've had extremely good luck with this product.
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