Well...like most bowl latherers out there, I had been struggling to find that perfect something that would keep my nice uberlather warm for the duration of my shave. The scuttle seemed to offer the solution until I realized that I needed my lather to stay warm for longer than 15 minutes without the need to refresh the hot water in it.
Then about 1.5 months ago, I stumbled onto the solution
The "Sunbeam Hot Pot Express" (see picture below):
View attachment 108936
This thing offered many advantages (at least to me):
1. Cheap - $10-$12 at Target. Can't go wrong
2. Keeps water warm and has variable temperature control
3. I can put my mug/brush inside and fill both mug and pot with water and heat while I take my shower...I will have nice warm brush in under 3 minutes
4. I can build lather and put it back in the pot...the warm water in pot will keep the lather warm during each pass.
It is plain AWESOME
...and consistent temperatures all through my shaves, every time. Now, I love my lather even more.
Anyone else tried this?...If so, do share your experiences...good, bad and ugly
PS: I am sure that I have seen a video of someone (not sure if it was Joel or maybe I saw it on YouTube) using this technique too some time ago.
Then about 1.5 months ago, I stumbled onto the solution
The "Sunbeam Hot Pot Express" (see picture below):
View attachment 108936
This thing offered many advantages (at least to me):
1. Cheap - $10-$12 at Target. Can't go wrong
2. Keeps water warm and has variable temperature control
3. I can put my mug/brush inside and fill both mug and pot with water and heat while I take my shower...I will have nice warm brush in under 3 minutes
4. I can build lather and put it back in the pot...the warm water in pot will keep the lather warm during each pass.
It is plain AWESOME

Anyone else tried this?...If so, do share your experiences...good, bad and ugly
PS: I am sure that I have seen a video of someone (not sure if it was Joel or maybe I saw it on YouTube) using this technique too some time ago.