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Keeping lather hot while face lathering?

I like face lathering because it's more efficient, but I also like bowl lathering because I can keep the lather warm (putting the bowl in a sink of hot water). Is there any way to face lather and keep the brush warm without using a bowl?
Ambrose posted a great thread/review a few months ago of a scuttle made by Georgetown Pottery that was designed just for the purpose of keeping the brush/lather warm while shaving. I guess that doesn't really answer your question about how to keep it warm without using a bowl, but it's an option.
Here's what I do:

I fill up a coffee mug with hot water and soak my brush in it before I go for a shower. Post shower I take the brush out and get on with face lathering, leaving the hot water in the mug, and dip my brush into this water as I work on getting my soap/cream-water ratio right. Once I am happy with my lather, I drain the water from the mug and pop my brush into the still-warm mug between passes. This works well for me and keeps my lather warm enough for a four-pass shave.

Keeping the mug in a sink of hot water will work even better.

I just realised all this involves using a mug/bowl so I haven't really answered your question about keeping the brush warm without a bowl!!!
Dirty Bird has a face latherers scuttle. I have one and it works well, just don't make it too hot because it will kill you lather.
+1 to sirleanalot. After soaking my brush, I put my empty OS mug in the sink of hot water and place the brush in between passes.

+1 to sirleanalot. After soaking my brush, I put my empty OS mug in the sink of hot water and place the brush in between passes.


yep, this works for me. I used to use a cereal-size bowl to lather. Now that I mostly face lather, the bowl floats in a sink of hot water, keeps my brush and lather nice and warm.
I recently switched from bowl to face lathering specifically for time and space efficiency reasons. Keeping a bowl in my "sardine can"-like washroom kinda annoys me. The down side of face lathering is that it is not as warm as bowl lathering. But I found a solution for that and it works well for me.

Soak up my brush with hot water during my shower btw.

For hard soaps:
1- Load up my damp brush from a soap puck (a few swirls)
2- add a few (varying amnt) hot water drops on the brush
3- Wet face with nice warm water
(not always-only when skin dried up significantly).
4- Start lathering!
5- To relather, I add a few more hot water drops (as little as possible)
(too much water will kill the lather).

For creams:
I have not yet used creams but it will still be a similar procedure.

And that's how I do it - it works really well for me.
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