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Kampfe Bros. 1902 Star razor

Will these take modern SE blades or is there a trick to getting them to take modern SE blades? Or is this one just a looker, along with its tin box and stropping handle and blade, for the collection?


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You'll probably want to post a picture to get a better answer, I have a Star with the 1901 date that takes new SE blades, but I think a picture would allow someone more expert to say for sure with regards to your specific razor ..

Picture of mine attached & the instructions for the "forged blades' that were original - I load the modern SE's the same way.
Right now the only pics I have are of the back of it, none of the front. I've got an opportunity to buy it and thought I'd ask about the blade situation. Anyway, here's the only pics I have:
You'll probably want to post a picture to get a better answer, I have a Star with the 1901 date that takes new SE blades, but I think a picture would allow someone more expert to say for sure with regards to your specific razor ..

Picture of mine attached & the instructions for the "forged blades' that were original - I load the modern SE's the same way.

I have the same one without the instructions. What's the function of the spring A?
Right now the only pics I have are of the back of it, none of the front. I've got an opportunity to buy it and thought I'd ask about the blade situation. Anyway, here's the only pics I have:

Yours also has the 'A' spring(Dunno if it helps) And it has the same codes with mine but mine has a much shorter handle. Probably it will accept today's SE blades.

Btw what could be the reason behind such a long handle? Leg shaving comes to my mind.
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Right now the only pics I have are of the back of it, none of the front. I've got an opportunity to buy it and thought I'd ask about the blade situation. Anyway, here's the only pics I have:

Short answer, I don't know.

Longer answer, this looks very like the pictures of one I decided to pass up on eBay. From what I could piece together it seemed unlikely that it would take a modern SE blade, but I would be very interested to learn that I was wrong. Let us know what you find out.
Yours also has the 'A' spring(Dunno if it helps)

Btw what could be the reason behind such a long handle? Leg shaving comes to my mind.

The spring "A" puts pressure to the back of the wedge blade to keep it snug and from falling out or moving during shaving.

The long handle is meant to hold the blade so it can be stropped like a straight. The razor is actually in four pieces, the head, two handle sections, and the blade holder which pushes onto the end of the 2nd handle piece.

The razor in the photo will not accept standard SE blades.

The bottom half of the handle holds the blade for stropping on a leather strop. It unscrews from the upper half handle.

Very interesting info. I have never seen it sold with its original(?) strop.

I guess that reduces the chance of accepting today's blades. As I said its back writings are same with mine.

Edit: Found a difference. Between 'BROS' and 'U.S.A' writing mine has a 'K' letter enclosed.
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Very interesting info. I have never seen it sold with its original(?) strop.

I guess that reduces the chance of accepting today's blades. As I said its back writings are same with mine.

Most of the ones in cases included a strop but for these sold in the tin boxes, you had to get your own strop.

Many of these do in fact take modern SE blades and I could have swore I read somewhere else that "my" 1902 model will but I can't for the life of me find that old thread anywhere.
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