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Kamisori help.

I thought I would try one out, so I had pictures sent from several people, thank you! :001_smile And I blended aspects that I liked (at least as best I could see from pictures)
Have a look, and tell me what I am missing, or need to address... Thanks in advance.

Wow Bear! That sucker is menacing and industrial looking, good use of 90° and 45° angles. Is it a combo of metals as well?

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Can you post a picture of the profile.

Typical Kamisori profile looks like this (although, this is a folding blade)

The Ura side usually has the makers mark and the hollow beveled goes to the spine. The Omote side is flatter, but there is a slight hollow, and goes up 3/4 the way to the spine.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Looks pretty good, but on one side the hollow should extend all the way from spine to bevel. Looks like both sides have the wedge grind.
I'm sending you the complete Star Trek series. Can you get to work on a transporter or a holodeck?

i have a Tosuke in Mint condition. Will try and get pics for you to use as reference. Not at home right now.
Readjusted the radius on my platten, is this better? Remember this is rough ground, and will be further thinned, and polished after HT.

The revised shape is not bad. Right angles aren't really suited to kamisori aesthetics, so I'd angle the toe and heel slightly more. I'd also grind the "non-stamp" side just a bit more hollow for a longer easy-honing life.
Looking good! For reference, I always grind the URA side first, the full height hollow grind from edge to spine. Then I grind the omote side down to the pre HT edge thckness (~0.020 depending on steel). This is of course after profiling. One thing to watch out for is the edge being twisted compared to the spine, when you go to set your bevel later on it will show as the bevel being higher on one end than the other.

Checking sharpening geometry after HT when you get down to 0.010"- 0.005" edge thickness is important. Making sure it wil lay flat on a hone and isn't being kicked up by the grind on the handle end of the blade.

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