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Just starting out - Advice.

So I am just starting out and looking to get into it cheap (baby on the way you know...) I found this on an auction and tried to figure out what it is. It looks like a '20's gillette. After reading this forum a little I asked the seller for a date code or serial #. There are neither. Also, they said the handle is nickel plated but showing some wear and the head looks to be brass. I'm guessing the handle is not original to the head pieces. I like old things so this might be cool to have and polish up anyway, but will it be worth buying to start out on?



I believe that it might, as you suspected, be a Frankenrazor. The head is an old type. The handle is a common bar handle that was typically seen on the NEW razors. I don't believe the old types ever had that handle.

Personally, I wouldn't pay over maybe $10 for it. But that's just me.
Looks like a bar handle Gillette New, produced between 1929 and 1940ish (take look here). I don't know that I would recommend starting with an open comb.

There are several inexpensive Chinese models you can pick up for next to nothing on Amazon or ebay. They tend to be low on the aggressiveness scale and perform quite well. I started with a Ri Mei that I picked up for under six bucks. I didn't want to shell out more than that without getting a feel for the whole process. I've moved on to more aggressive razors at this point, but it was a solid starter.

I can't see using it again, so I would be happy to PIF it to you. so you can get a feel. PM me your mailing address if you're interested.
So I am just starting out and looking to get into it cheap (baby on the way you know...)

My advice is to stick around B&B for just long enough to get some solid advice on your hardware and software. As soon as your basic kit together and are comfortable using it, delete your bookmark for this site and run away as fast as you can. The longer you stay here, the less cheap it will be.


Needs milk and a bidet!
My advice is to stick around B&B for just long enough to get some solid advice on your hardware and software. As soon as your basic kit together and are comfortable using it, delete your bookmark for this site and run away as fast as you can. The longer you stay here, the less cheap it will be.
haha i went a sold year without buying anything....after spending 4 days here: 3 vintage SE razors, an Alum bar, Clubman AS, blade bank, and a sample blade pack. i didnt run away tho. this place brought to the surface my inner shaving hobbyist. i embrace it
My advice is to stick around B&B for just long enough to get some solid advice on your hardware and software. As soon as your basic kit together and are comfortable using it, delete your bookmark for this site and run away as fast as you can. The longer you stay here, the less cheap it will be.
I would cancel my internet to, made myself a nice little cave in the mountain and just shave cavestyle. Getting clean after getting the shave addiction is just to hard. Good luck on the cheap thing though:thumbup:
Thanks all. I already love the nostalgia of it. I like to go to auctions and estate sales and am curious now to see how many old brushes and razors and shave kits I find. I'm sure there have been tons that I just never noticed before. Anyway, I'd like to get some basic things and then once things settle down a little, maybe I can run with it!

Oxford1833: Thats a great offer! I'm bidding on a tech right now but if i don't end up winning that I'll definately take you up on your offer.

Thanks Again!
Thanks all. I already love the nostalgia of it. I like to go to auctions and estate sales and am curious now to see how many old brushes and razors and shave kits I find. I'm sure there have been tons that I just never noticed before. Anyway, I'd like to get some basic things and then once things settle down a little, maybe I can run with it!

Oxford1833: Thats a great offer! I'm bidding on a tech right now but if i don't end up winning that I'll definately take you up on your offer.

Thanks Again!

Sure thing. Just let me know.
My advice is to stick around B&B for just long enough to get some solid advice on your hardware and software. As soon as your basic kit together and are comfortable using it, delete your bookmark for this site and run away as fast as you can. The longer you stay here, the less cheap it will be.

Truth but it is fun
I started off decently cheap with $35 worth of supplies (razor, brush, blades & cream). I added $12 in essential oils, $8 for an alum block, then $45 for 3 more razors. Subtract the $15 I would have spent on carts and canned cream, and I'm only out $85. Granted, I'm not counting aftershave because I would have bought that anyway, but I think I'm doing better than most of you gents!

Wait... $85 a month... that's over $1,000 a year. Oh, crap! I'm screwed!

No, really. I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but I think I'm set for awhile. I've settled on a perfectly delightful set up--great results EVERY time--and am getting the best shaves of my life. Even SWMBO is happy.

Of course, only time will tell! As addictions go, this one is pretty harmless and inexpensive. My last was a saltwater reef tank. $550 just to set up, then a couple of hundred a month in livestock, testing supplies, etc. Of course, that's gone now. Maybe that's why SWMBO is so happy?
I didn't get that tech, so I think I will take you up on your offer oxford. I will PM you. I have really gotten caught up at looking at all the vintage razors and brushes and such. I can see what you are all talking about. I think once things settle down a bit things could spiral out of control in a hurry.

My dad has his grandpas strait edge too. Now that i have more of an interest, I can't wait to take a closer look at it. Maybe I can shave with it some day. That would be cool.
Welcome to B&B, barnstormer! Hope you find this place to be as relaxing and as much fun to be around as so many of us here do!

You can't go wrong with a Tech as your first DE razor . . . it is very forgiving and mild enough to help you learn proper technique, yet capable enough to give BBS shaves! Pick a single blade type (Wal-Mart Wilkies are ok, or Dollar General Double Edge) and stick with that blade for at least a month while you get your technique down. Then, branch out to try different blades and razors . . . stay within reason and you still won't spend as much as you have been on cartridges, and your face will be much happier, too!

Concerning straight razors . . . that's a whole 'nother ball game, a wonderful slippery slope that you will most likely explore someday! Just this morning I shaved with one of my grandfather's straights . . . what a way to connect to my heritage!
Thanks for the warm welcome Brad. Good advice. I don't have a terribly thick beard anyway so I think that 10pk of wilkies will last the first month just fine! I haven't even taken a DE to my face yet so I think that strait of my great grandfathers will wait a while. It's just neat knowing it's there waiting.

Thanks again everyone for helping a noob out!
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