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Just picked up this neato PAL adjustable!

This is the first adjustable injector that I've ever seen so for $6.00 I couldn't resist. She sure is pretty with all of her shining stainless steel. It looks like new. Well I got to go and use this beast.:thumbup:
Looks great. How did she shave? And, what year was that made? The finish still looks awesome.
I've read a few places that these have issues with the adjusting and are mostly frowned upon by the Injectorites. Curious as to how it worked and shaved for you.
Wow, that injector actually looks good enough to shave with!

I've always wanted to try an injector, but 99% are so damned ugly, and the other 1% is rare as hell. Makes me wonder what was wrong with the consumers of these items, they should've bought more of the pretty ones dammit! :p
I have no troubles with mine, though I recall seeing a thread about one of these being out of alignment or somesuch.

Beautiful design. Congrats!
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