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Just ordered two pucks of Mystic Waters

Now that I'm enjoying the benefits of soft water I thought I'd give soaps another go. (Creams were just easier in really hard water.) I decided to get a couple pucks of Mystic Waters. Actually, I was going to order just one and while I was trying to decide on a scent my wife told me to get two so I could try a couple of scents. I've got the Coconut Lime Verbena and the Orange Vanilla on the way. The first thread I saw on this soap made it look really easy to lather, but later I found some other threads saying it's a bit finicky to lather. At any rate, I'm looking forward to giving this stuff a try. Do any of you MW users have any advice? Do you think this is an easy or a tricky soap to lather?
I've never had any problems whipping up a ton of lather regardless of how I do it. Of all my soaps, this one has been the most foolproof. FWIW, I also have soft water.
starting with a dryer brush
work soap
dip tips slightly in water
work soap
dip tips in water
BAM - thick yogurt
Do any of you MW users have any advice? Do you think this is an easy or a tricky soap to lather?

Foyle, I have seen some of your posts before and I can't remember if you have said that you prefer to bowl or face lather.

I have some of the MW soaps and I prefer face lathering and so I like to do as petr has said and start with a drier brush and work the puck for longer than I would for something like Cella or Arko, as I do this the loading starts to get pretty thick on the puck and then I move to the face dipping as necessary to build up for the first and subsequent passes. Once you get the feeling right then MW soaps are great. Nice scent and lather.
I concur. Received six samples as I try and decide which pucks to order and found out that I cannot use the same amount of water on initial loadup that I use for RazoRock Artisan's that I like and had to use a dryer brush, swirl a bit, few drops from dribble port on my scuttle, swirl some more, dribble a little more and lather just explodes from there. I only need two passes but looks like I might squeeze four passes if need be. The blade just glides over the layer of protection from this soap.

So far have tried the Prospect Creek and Bay Rum. Really like the peppermint of the Prospect Creek but the Bay Rum, to me anyway smells more like Old Spice than Bay Rum though I know Michelle is looking at other options for her Bay Rum.
I decided to get a couple pucks of Mystic Waters. Actually, I was going to order just one and while I was trying to decide on a scent my wife told me to get two

You obviously married well! Does she have a sister? :)
I'll reiterate the dry brush, add water slowly approach. Thank Mantic's MWF video.

For what it's worth, I have moderately hard water and have no problem lathering MW soaps.

It along with Mike's Natural are the two rookies of the year. The face feel of your face post shave is not to be bellieved.
I really enjoy MW, it's an excellent soap with great skin care. Apparently, some people have had issues lathering it but for me it is not a problem. Our treated water is 5-6 grains and I get the thick, rich, yogurt type of lather. Really good stuff, IMO. I have Lily of the Valley and the unscented which I scented myself, lavender with a touch of vetyver and a good dose of menthol. My normal lathering technique for all soaps is similar to the advice given above.
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I just got my two MW soaps in Lily of the Valley and Coconut (booth outstanding scents). I too concur that they lather very well and are as good as my other favorites (MWF & Tabac). Could not be happier with the purchase.
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I just got my two MW soaps in Lily of the Vally and Coconut (booth outstanding scents). I too concur that they lather very well and are as good as my other favorites (MWF & Tabac). Could not be happier with the purchase.

MW Lily of the Valley might be my favorite scent of all time.
I used MW Cedar & Sage this morning and I also have soft water.

Damp brush, swirled somewhat aggressively on top of the puck for ~20 seconds, transfer to bowl. Whip up lather for ~20 seconds, add water, repeat until you reach the consistency you like.

I just tried MW for the first time today. I actually had a tough time getting a good lather, I tried three times during the shave and only got a semi-workable lather. I think I've been spoiled with good instructions on Italian soft soaps (Proraso and Razorock) and I've actually wondered before I tried MW what all the fuss is about with people getting bad lather, it seemed so easy to do. I did try with a dryer brush than I usually do but still didn't get it right with the MW, it was very airy. For the first time since wet shaving I actually had to dump the lather and start again. Next time I'm going to be really aggressive on loading the brush until I get some lather on the soap before I go to the bowl. My point here is that if you've been used to one product another may require a very different technique and I just need to get used to the change.
I just tried MW for the first time today. I actually had a tough time getting a good lather, I tried three times during the shave and only got a semi-workable lather. I think I've been spoiled with good instructions on Italian soft soaps (Proraso and Razorock) and I've actually wondered before I tried MW what all the fuss is about with people getting bad lather, it seemed so easy to do. I did try with a dryer brush than I usually do but still didn't get it right with the MW, it was very airy. For the first time since wet shaving I actually had to dump the lather and start again. Next time I'm going to be really aggressive on loading the brush until I get some lather on the soap before I go to the bowl. My point here is that if you've been used to one product another may require a very different technique and I just need to get used to the change.
My feeling is that the so-called Marco method has proven to be the source of quite a few lathering problems. Mystic Water soap lathers wonderfully. Period. I've even been sent samples of "dud" soaps from MW; they all lather beautifully for me.
That's the problem with the Marco method; it's not universal (I don't think it was ever meant to be, either). So really people are extrapolating the method and it's not always extrapolatable.
My method of lathering soaps works for ALL shave soaps. It works for Italian soft soaps just as well as for melt-and-pour soaps or artisanal tallow soaps. You have to load the soap with a drier brush. Drip the water out, then shake it a couple of times, and then give it two moderate squeezes, and then go to the soap. Load the brush until there's a creamy proto-lather forming, and a fair amount of it. Transfer the protolather to a bowl or your face, add one or two drops of water, and incoporate the water into the mixture with a calm swirling motion. When all the bubbles are gone, add one or two more drops and do the same thing. Continue doing this until the lather is the consistency you want.

It's really that simple. It works for all soaps, and it works every time. Carefully controlling the water and avoiding aggressive mixing are the secrets to great soap lather. Give it a try.
I've used a dry brush, a wet brush, cold water, warm water, hot water, bowl lather, face lather, boar brush, badger brush...it doesn't matter, I consistently get great results with this soap. The only trouble I ever was when first using it I didn't add enough water. Since then, not a problem.
I've never had trouble lathering it either. I soak my brush, give it a few sharp shakes, and then move to the puck. Works with every soap/cream so far.

I tried the Marco method once, and while it worked fine, I found it too messy - ended up slopping soapy water all over the place.


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My feeling is that the so-called Marco method has proven to be the source of quite a few lathering problems. Mystic Water soap lathers wonderfully. Period. I've even been sent samples of "dud" soaps from MW; they all lather beautifully for me.

a while back i was having a heck of a time with MW, nothing was working. marco, dry, wet, boar, badger. finally found out what the issue was, my scuttle. the scuttle was breaking it down as my water was TOO hot

the marco method seemed to work for me, with my scuttle (dry scuttle or warm water) and products thick and slick lather. i also used the MWF application time, lots of product. it's one of the best post shave feeling soaps/creams i have ever used, but since i live in a very cold area (canada) and i use my scuttle a lot, i have had to put the MW on hold for purchase.

as always, YMMV, but one thing MW has going for it, that i have never seen anyone debate is the moisturizing qualities and post shave feel...FANTASTIC.
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