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Just introduced a buddy to our little hobby.

Yesterday after church, my wife and I went to our neighbor's for lunch. We got to talking about shaving. He's in the Air Force, and he was telling me that he always has razor burn on his neck because he has to shave every day. He uses disposables and Barbasol, and he shaves before he showers. I set him up with a brush, some Proraso Blue, a mug to mix his lather in, showed him how to make lather, told him to shave after his shower, and I gave him one of my spare TracII handles and a pack of cartridges. I figured it was too soon to try to get him into a DE (I don't have an extra to give him anyway). If figured if he's going to use a multi-blade cart, he might as well use a decent one. He's going to have a shave with the stuff tonight and let me know how it goes. If he likes it, I'll probably try to find him a Tech or Super Speed and set him up with a blade sampler. We could have another joining the ranks.
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I love showing my friends my razors. They're just blown away that somebody can shave with 1 blade, and have a comfortable shave. I've converted a few so far. :thumbup1:
Very nice work Foyle. Since your new possible convert is serving our country, if he decides to take up DE shaving shoot me a PM and I will send you a flairtip superspeed for him. It's just a user grade with a fair amount of brassing on the handle and a little bit on one end cap, but it works perfectly. I'm almost positive it's a K1, so 1965. I have the greatest respect for the men and women that serve our country. They allow citizens like me to enjoy my freedom and have the ability to pursue whatever interests I desire. It's something none of us should take for granted.
That's awesome. I'm trying to convert my father and brother. My dad is 61 so he used to use a DE back in the day. He told me he always used to cut himself and he fell victim to the cartridge years ago. He now uses dollar store cheapies that I could never use because they always tore me up with bad razor burn. Sadly for me he doesn't have his old DE to give me. I don't think he ever learned how to properly use it. He still only shaves against the grain. Ouch!
I just heard from my buddy. Looks like he's hooked. He said his shave was so close that he didn't even have to shave the next day.
Nice!! I recently Converted a Co-worker to De Shaving. He has sensitive skin like me also and I told him about my Razors I have been acquiring and he remembered his Pops using one. I told him I'd hook him up with a Slim Adjustable and some blades. He was so Stoked and uses it Daily since. :straight:
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