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Just Had a Smell of Trumper's Extract of Limes

So, I just had a smell of a sample of Trumper's Extract of Limes cologne...:eek: Wow, that stuff really would have you smelling like a lime tree, huh?! Wow! Anyone else think it's too strong and citrus-y/fruity?
I think a short life is the bane of lime scents, they're a nice intro note but vanish quickly.
Taylors Victorian Lime seems to have more longevity than others.. As to Trumpers WI Limes being too limey? You do not buy lime colognes if you do not want limes..:confused1
I think a short life is the bane of lime scents, they're a nice intro note but vanish quickly.

Agreed. I haven't found a lime scent that lasted more than an hour or two at the most.

As for other Trumpers scents, I found the Spanish Leather to last very long, a good 12 hours. The Curzon and Sandlewood are also fairly long-lasting on me, with at least a 6 to 8 hour life, and I really like the scents, although both stay pretty close to the skin compared to Spanish Leather.

It seems most here prefer the Eucris, but my preference is the Curzon. YMMV!

I agree with the sentiments already expressed in this thread. Trumper limes cologne is the purest lime scent out there. Whenever I squeeze limes for making mojitos, I always think, "Wow, this is just what the Trumper cologne smells like!" Personally, I love it.

T&H West Indian Limes cologne is similarly refreshing, although not as pure, or as purely wonderful; it does have considerably more longevity on me than the Trumper, though. The downside to the Trumper is that it is so shortlived, there is almost no point in wearing it.
GFT Limes goes on with a BLAST of the best lime scent I've ever experienced and leaves almost as quickly. It's notorious for it's short but fragrant life and lasts all of 15 minutes on me.
GFT Limes goes on with a BLAST of the best lime scent I've ever experienced and leaves almost as quickly. It's notorious for it's short but fragrant life and lasts all of 15 minutes on me.

I wish I got that in the Sampler Pack, but their Skin Food and SC are simply amazing.
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