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Just got my new pens in, first 'real' fountain pens

I used the Pilot Varsity for a while in Jr. High because it was different and bought another cheap fountain pen recently, the name of which escapes me right now. I liked them and lost the cheapie pretty quickly, so I decided it was time to try a different pen. I bought a pair of Reform 1745 pens off of Ebay as well as some Noodler's Black and Red inks (forgot which, both are waterproof, etc. Fox Red comes to mind, but I could be wrong) and they were finally delivered to me at my deployed location after a relay from my wife at home. I filled them up today and both pens write well. The black is for general use and the red is for notes/annotations on paperwork in flight. Based on my initial impressions, both will do the trick. The pen filled with red seems to write a little wetter, but nothing drastic. I'm not sure if that's from the ink or if it just flows different than the other. Both are smooth enough and leave a fine enough line for daily use. Hopefully they can take the moderate abuse of sitting in the pen pocket on the arm of my flight suit day in and day out. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem, as I haven't broken a pen there yet.

All in all, I'd say they were worth the $20 + ink that I invested in satisfying my curiosity, plus new toys while deployed is always good to break the monotony. :001_tongu
Glad you like them. I'd be kind of worried about the altitude changes. Let me know how it goes. Are you in a pressurized platform?
Congrats on the new pens. You should be fine, so long as you keep the pens facing nib up during pressure changes. It also sounds like you need an active duty badge. See here.

Pressure changes are gradual and only about 5k' or so. I'd say it takes about 20 mins or so for the full pressure swing. Hopefully it wont' be an issue

I"ll check out the badge link, thanks!
The reforms have been favourites of a lot of users, bang for the buck they are good pens and should serve you well

Enjoy !

They were flight tested today with no issues. They made the transition up and down without issue. Both continued to write really well. I wish the one filled with red flowed a little less, but it's nothing to complain about, especially given the price. I took a few pages of notes with the one filled with black and it's just about perfect. I just wish there was a little rubber on the grip to keep my hands from slipping. I guess throw away pens have a few perks.
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