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just curious: Do you shower before shaving?

I kind of have the feeling most people shower before or shave during their showers.

Personally, I always shave before I shower(but I prep enough, at least to my satisfaction) mainly because I always knew my father to shaved before he showered and i followed his example(However he always used a cartridge as far back as i remember. I remember him in the 80's using a crusty 2 blade cartridge when he was probably in his late 20's).

But i always read that you should never shave before your shower. So what is your personal technique?
A lot of folks on here seem to do this but i dont, in the weekdays i just wash and shave, onthe weekends i usually have a bath then shave straight away and i rather using my bath than shower so its not going to hapen for me.
Personally, I shave after I've showered. I generally shave in the evening (not a morning person:lol:), so I'm showering as soon as I get in from work, then shaving. This means that I'm starting with a clean base (work can get pretty grimy).

As long as your prep is sufficient, do whichever works best for you.
My father would always shower after his shave, as well. I did that for a brief while, following his example, but then transitioned to shaving after my shower, which is all I ever do now. I can't think of reason why you shouldn't shave before you shower, provided your face is clean and you do enough prep work to make sure the shave is good. This is another one of those YMMV things where there really is no wrong way to do it.
When I first started DE shaving, I would shave before my shower. Now, I shower first and do my shave prep whilst cleaning the rest of myself- saves me 5 minutes in the morning which I can invest in my shave.
I usually shave after I shower, but last night I shaved without showering before or after and everything was fine. No black hole or time vortex, just a great shave.
I shave first, shower second. It is just always the way I have done it . . . and I guess I'm just to anal-retentive to change the order!

There is strong evidence that the extra moisture from the shower is beneficial to the shave afterward. But, being the extreme creature of habit that I am, I must shave first and therefore give my face a good wet wash first, before prepping my lather.

This also allows SWMBO to slip in behind me and jump in the shower while I am shaving. That way, with my shave out of the way, I don't interfere with her hair and makeup routine at the sink. (She is just as AR as I am . . . :lol:)
I shave first, shower second. It is just always the way I have done it . . . and I guess I'm just to anal-retentive to change the order!

Are you sure anal retentive is spelled with a hyphen?

Anyway, I shower then shave when I can. I think it works best as the heat and moisture from the shower makes those whiskers go begging for the razor to slice, dice and make them julienne fries. :001_smile


B&B's Man in Italy
I NEVER shower before shaving.
I have never felt the need to do that.
I always shave in the morning after a good pre-shave prep (I wash my face with hot water and soap and apply a pre-shave treatment).
Sometimes it happens that I shower after I shave.
Anyhow, as others have pointed out, this is all a question of personal preference.
I always showered after shaving when using cartridge razors. Otherwise I'd spend an extra half hour in the bathroom waiting for the blood to stop. So, I'd take a long shower and only end up standing around in the bathroom an extra 15 mins or so.

I shaved right after showering the first couple times I used the DE. No real problems, haven't tried with and without enough to know if it matters.

My new routine though is to shave, then listen to radio, read, and drink real Chinese tea before going to bed. I find this all incredibly relaxing. Due to the filth and stink on me when I get home from work, I shower then. So, my shaving and showering are totally unconnected.
99% of the time. I get better shaves after a shower. I apply a good conditioner on my beard right before I get out. Keeps everything nice and moist while I make my lather.
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