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June News at The Heirloom Razor Strop Co.

Tony Miller

Speaking of horse butts…
I still plan to open tomorrow morning with a new batch of strops but wanted to give an advance warning of varied supplies and hours this month.

Some of you may remember me posting about my wife's father being diagnosed with cancer early last fall. He has done well these past 9 months with it slowing him down only slightly. This weekend Joe hs taken a serious turn for the worse and we fear this may be near the end of his battle with cancer. We are not sure what the next weeks or even days will bring but my place will be at home with Lorrie and my extended family, not in my workshop.
Joe had wanted to enjoy life to the very end and has refused most treatments that would make him ill. Right now he will only accpet those to make him comfortable so we have no idea what this means as far as time.

At this point I will plan to be open as much as possible but I may need to shut down at any time. Please bear with us and I will try to make sure any orders placed will be shipped in a timely fashion. I felt better posting the personal details here than on my storefront but I will keep an update there on my open/close decisions as they happen.

For those who are spiritual I ask that you keep Joe in your prayers that his remaining days/weeks or months are as pain free and confortable as they can be.

Thank you for your understanding,
Tony and Lorrie Miller & family
I still plan to open tomorrow morning with a new batch of strops but wanted to give an advance warning of varied supplies and hours this month.

Some of you may remember me posting about my wife's father being diagnosed with cancer early last fall. He has done well these past 9 months with it slowing him down only slightly. This weekend Joe hs taken a serious turn for the worse and we fear this may be near the end of his battle with cancer. We are not sure what the next weeks or even days will bring but my place will be at home with Lorrie and my extended family, not in my workshop.
Joe had wanted to enjoy life to the very end and has refused most treatments that would make him ill. Right now he will only accpet those to make him comfortable so we have no idea what this means as far as time.

At this point I will plan to be open as much as possible but I may need to shut down at any time. Please bear with us and I will try to make sure any orders placed will be shipped in a timely fashion. I felt better posting the personal details here than on my storefront but I will keep an update there on my open/close decisions as they happen.

For those who are spiritual I ask that you keep Joe in your prayers that his remaining days/weeks or months are as pain free and confortable as they can be.

Thank you for your understanding,
Tony and Lorrie Miller & family

My thoughts are prayers are with you and your family
I still plan to open tomorrow morning with a new batch of strops but wanted to give an advance warning of varied supplies and hours this month.

Some of you may remember me posting about my wife's father being diagnosed with cancer early last fall. He has done well these past 9 months with it slowing him down only slightly. This weekend Joe hs taken a serious turn for the worse and we fear this may be near the end of his battle with cancer. We are not sure what the next weeks or even days will bring but my place will be at home with Lorrie and my extended family, not in my workshop.
Joe had wanted to enjoy life to the very end and has refused most treatments that would make him ill. Right now he will only accpet those to make him comfortable so we have no idea what this means as far as time.

At this point I will plan to be open as much as possible but I may need to shut down at any time. Please bear with us and I will try to make sure any orders placed will be shipped in a timely fashion. I felt better posting the personal details here than on my storefront but I will keep an update there on my open/close decisions as they happen.

For those who are spiritual I ask that you keep Joe in your prayers that his remaining days/weeks or months are as pain free and confortable as they can be.

Thank you for your understanding,
Tony and Lorrie Miller & family

I'm sorry to hear that, Tony. My mother had cancer, it's an awful thing to have to deal with. All the best to you and your wife's family. Take care.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Sorry to hear such awful news. You know the thoughts and prayers of the entire site are with you.
Really sorry to hear such bad news. I'm sure everyone will understand that this will be your no 1 priority over the next weeks and months.
I'll be thinking about you and your family, Tony. All it'll take is a look at the beautiful strop you sent. The power of prayer is real, and it sounds like many thoughts are going your way from the forum!
Hi Tony. I will add my best wishes here as well. I lost my dad to cancer seven years ago. It is not easy to see a person decline in such fashion.

Regards, Todd

Tony Miller

Speaking of horse butts…
I needed to close today as Joe's health is rapidly declining and I am not sure when I'll open at this point. Any open orders will ship over the next few days.

I wanted to thank you all for the kind messages and prayers. Today Joe asked his children about going into hospice care and we will all be spending the next few days together at his home. On the brighter side Joe did turn 86 years old today, another milestone. We share a common birthday and I turned 53 today, my daugher turned 21 three days ago. God willing we will have a celebration for all three of us tomorrow whent he rest of the family arrives.

I'll be back in touch when time allows.

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