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Jumping in to straights

G'day guys,
After a total of 10 DE shaves I have decided to go straight. The best shave I ever had was done with a straight by a barber. My DE shaving is better than any shave I had given myself (before B&B) but I am sure that I will never be 100% happy shaving with a DE as I will always be chasing that feeling from the straight. Even after many years I can remember exactly how good I felt when I got out of that barbers chair.

I have pushed the launch button and have supplies on there way to me. I've got to say thanks to the whole B&B community for the equipment reviews, the wiki as a whole, the shaving journals, the instructional videos and the constant encouragement from all members - without all that I would not have considered it but you all make it (seem) so easy:001_smile

Wish me luck!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That's quick but if you feel that a straight razor is better then, good choice!

What did you get?
I will still be DE shaving while waiting for my goods to arrive and perhaps a while longer as I want to try a few more DE razors I have before switching over. I will probably use my DE's while travelling as I do a fair bit of interstate for work, well at least in the early days...

I placed an order with Jarrod (thesuperiorshave.com) for a Dovo 100686 and a 101581 to learn on - both honed by Jarrod. I got two as his pricing was great, I saved on postage and I can keep one with a properly honed edge as a reference. I also, got a Filly to practice on from RupRazor and a few other goodies for later use. Pictures will come soon enough and so will a journal.

@mdunn thanks for the offer champ I may just have to look you up...
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Do it, mate!

Im in Sydney too, if you ever need a hand with anything.

You know what to do next time you're in Melbourne, I'll give you a hand with Belgian ales! :laugh:
Awesome! Will definitely look you up soon, I have a week in Melbourne coming up and some Belgian ales sound good!:thumbup:
I jumped over to straights and my DE is now reserved for trips away or mornings when I don't have the time for a straight.

Good luck, the learning curve is steep but doable. The best advice I picked up was to envisage the angle of the blade as being about twice the width of the spine. Initially it felt the blade was too close to the face but it worked. Go slowly and keep focus.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Awesome! Will definitely look you up soon, I have a week in Melbourne coming up and some Belgian ales sound good!:thumbup:

Sure, let me know in advance and we could sample a few beers at the Belgian Ale Cafe...
Welcome! You're in for a treat. I am another straight shaver who went straight from a Schick Quattro to a straight razor, bypassing the DE. While this seems all well and good now, it meant I had A LOT to learn at once . . . brushes, soaps, lathering, prep, stropping, honing and straight shaving. Definitely worth it though...
It is great to see more members giving straights a go. Just take it slow and you will be fine. A totally different type of shaving experience then DE and, for me, much more fun:001_smile

Plus, the amount of different blade shapes, sizes, and grinds to try opens a whole new world.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I placed an order with Jarrod (thesuperiorshave.com) for a Dovo 100686 and a 101581 to learn on - both honed by Jarrod. I got two as his pricing was great, I saved on postage and I can keep one with a properly honed edge as a reference.

Ah, the 5/8 half hollow and the 6/8 full hollow "best" models. Where are you going to get two new razors for a buck twenty? Nice start. :thumbup1:
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