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Jovan Sex Appeal similar to Old Spice?

I've seen a couple of places online that Jovan Sex Appeal has a similar smell to the old Old Spice. They said mixing that with Vi-Jon makes a really good representation of the old stuff. Can anyone confirm or deny this? It's about $15 for a bottle so I don't want to grab it on a whim.
Hy Jack Burton!
I cannot confirm, sorry. I can say that there's no sure bet on that statement. I hope it's true but I think It's rather individual. There's always another members' experience but I encourage you to try for yourself. If you do, please report here. We welcome your findings.
I use both Sex Appeal and original Old Spice, and I can't smell a similarity in the two. Sex Appeal is deep and woody and has no sweetness at all. Old Spice is cool, crisp, warm and sweet all at once. The Sex Appeal is a good lotion to wear when going out, while the Old Spice is appropriate any time of the day.
If you don't want to buy the original Shulton Old Spice from India, there is a less expensive alternative. You can mix the Vi-Jon ($1.75 at Family Dollar) with the P&G Old Spice 50:50. It works great. I have both the Shulton OS and the 50:50.

I find find them very different, old spice is too sweet for me. sex Appeal is well as it says on the box you don't have to born with it now you can buy it. Sex Appeal is a great buy and my favorite cheap frag.
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