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"Joseph Rodgers & Co. vs "Joseph Rodgers & Son's" ?

Hello, all. Newbie to Badger & Blade but I like what I see so far! A workplace neighbor know how much I am into collecting and using DE/SR for shaving and he is always bringing me surprises. In the past two days he has brought me 4 straights (pictures shown below). The only one I have a question on is the one in the album by itself, one that he brought me yesterday. It says "Joseph Rodgers & Co." as compared to one of the other ones in the second album, "Joseph Rodgers & Son's". On the tang of the one in question I can make out "Joseph Rodgers & Co'--line break--Cutlers, Sheffield".

Thank you all for your time and let me know what you think!

No idea of the answer to the question, but there's a History of Joseph Rodgers here, with a PDF of an interesting book to download.

(I have a Joseph Rodgers 1/4 hollow, with the "Joseph Rodgers & Sons" mark)
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