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Joseph Allen 5/8

Found this today.
Joseph Allen & Sons, Sheffield, England
1/4 ground at 5/8" barbers notch.
has some scratches and a bit of wear, but overall in very nice shape.
Not sure what the scales are made of, but those are destined to the rubbish heap. The back piviot looks to have been a steel nail and the wedge end is split. :001_rolle
Wade&Butcher manufactured razors in that form, with the same etching and typeface as well.

That blade looks very little used and should be a fine shaver... enjoy it.

Possibly the scales were accidentally broken soon after it was purchased by the original owner.
The scales look to be made of pine and were a home job at one time.
I'm thinking of saving them and using them to experiment with metal over/inlay.
Having never done metal on wood before, would it be fine to just glue the metal to the scales, or would I need to pin the metal down to/through the scales. Pinning through the scales would be a very small pin (.074" dia) and would be flush with the inside wall of the scale.

What do ya'll think?
That blade should polish up nicely. No idea on the scale question. No matter what should be a great shaver.
Nice score. I have two of those awaiting restoration. People say they shave great. Let us know what you do with it.
Nice razor. I have four of these and three in my rotation. They are fantastic shavers. Here the one that I have had restored by Toxic.
How much did that restore job by toxic cost you?

I also just purchased the same razor from an antique mall this past Friday and would like to get it restored/sharpened if possible.
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