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Jay21's Journey Journal


Collecting wife bonus parts
Buy 200 from Mr. Bezos and call it saving money. Yes, $9.99USD is less than $15.99USD, but $15.99USD is less than $19.98USD if it turned out you like the blades bunches.

Or forget about it until you’re down to your last four DE blades. I dunno.
I need a few more shaves before I decide. The delayed post-shave feel is a little rougher than I had hoped for, but that was also because I just got done shaving with GSBs for the last few days, and we know they are smoov royalty.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: RR Lupo 95
Blade: Derby Premium (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: yes, slight
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

I had my second shave with the Derby Premium this morning, and this is a blade I won't be buying 100 more. I won't even give it a third shave. The blade has adequate sharpness, but it is very rough. It has a poor skin feel and gives me some aftershave sting and some slight lingering post-shave irritation. I only performed my standard two-pass shave, without any touchups or buffs, to minimize any skin issues. It's a bit of a strange blade. It feels very sharp on my face and it cuts the whiskers without resistance. However, the stubble on my face is longer than other blades give me. It's definitely a sharp blade, but it's uncontrolled sharpness due to its roughness. It's almost like the Derby engineers were sick of hearing how dull their Extra was and then said, "We'll show them! Take this Premium blade!," but then forgot to add any smoothness to it.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: Baili TTO
Blade: Double-wrapped Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Number of passes: 2 (cheeks and jaw WTG and XTG; neck XTG and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: No
Result: CCS

I wanted to try something a bit different by going back to a first WTG pass on my cheeks and jaw before XTG. To minimize any issue, I used my mildest razor, the Baili TTO. It was a very nice mild shave without incident. It wasn't very close, but it will do the job for today.


Collecting wife bonus parts
I signed up for June GRUME, but I snuck in under the wire. With the Memorial Day sales everywhere, I took the opportunity to buy a RR German 37 slant from the Razor Company. I don't have any slants and I'm slant curious. It will most likely arrive after June 1, but the payment will clear before June 1. So, I think I'm safe. Or, it could be the shortest GRUME ever. We're talking negative territory.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: Baili TTO
Blade: Double-wrapped Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Number of passes: 3 (cheeks and jaw WTG, XTG, and ATG; neck XTG, XTG, and XTG)
Touchups or buffs: yes
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes
Result: DFS

I'm continuing to learn how to work on my trouble spots because I'm not rushed by morning constraints before work. Shaves normally take me about 15 minutes, but today's protracted excursion took 30 minutes. While using my mildest razor once again, I added a third pass (and ATG on the cheeks and jaw!) to try to mow down the whiskers that have a winning streak against me. I usually never have three passes and certainly very rarely ever go against the grain. After today, those whiskers are still undefeated, but I'm learning more about them and how to attack them. I took some sting from the Old Spice but, for some reason, it felt much different today. It wasn't the sad sting of defeat. It was more of a satisfying sting that shows I was noble in my quest. I think I'm starting to understand why so many here love the sting.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: RR Lupo 58
Blade: Double-wrapped Gillette Silver Blue (3)
Number of passes: 2 (WTG, XTG)
Touchups or buffs: yes
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes
Result: DFS

I upped the aggression and went with the Lupo 58 this morning to continue working on my trouble spots. The jaw near my chin and the sides of my mouth are really tough spots for me. I performed several touchups overall, including my whole face, and I was able to conquer the whiskers for the most part. I took more sting than yesterday, which pushed the experience from a satisfactory sting to a teaching sting, as in let's not do that anymore. I may have to just live with more stubble feel on my trouble spots than I like. Every time I try to conquer them I'm left with more sting than I'd prefer. It was still a very nice shave and I think I look nice.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: RR Lupo 58
Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum (1)
Number of passes: 2 (WTG, XTG)
Touchups or buffs: yes, in my really tough area
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, slight
Result: DFS

I loaded a fresh Dorco Prime Platinum into the Lupo 58 and had a really nice shave. I didn't try to touch up or buff my tough areas too much, but rather tried to mow the whiskers down correctly the first time. I still had to touch up my swirl of death on my neck. The Lupo 58 is enough razor for my cheeks, as they were darn near BBS, but it's not quite enough for my neck, which still has some stubble even though it technically qualifies for DFS. To be fair, the Lupo 95 still isn't enough razor for my neck. The only one that comes close to being enough for my neck is the Muhle R41, but that is super rough on my cheeks. I really don't want to go down the road of using two razors during a shave. I'm committed to mastering my technique so that one razor is enough.

I had a little sting today, but it was the good sting of a job well done rather than the sad sting of defeat.


Blade Biter
Embrace the sting!



I shaved a fortune
I've never had a shave with zero Alum feedback. It isn't one of my goals. I like shaves that last for 12 hours. I got that from Richard/ @Mr. Shavington . I got my very first 12 hour shave the first time I used the Blutt BR-1 1.20. It's been off to the races since then. Almost every razor I've acquired since then has given me shaves lasting that long. It's been a fun ride.

It is an odd habit we have, isn't it? Running sharpened steel blades over our faces? It can't really be described as "natural"... as an untrimmed beard would be "natural". I had a beard when I was a young carpenter so I'd look older and more experienced than I was. It worked too... But I always kept the cheek line and neck trimmed.... again.. Not natural.

I enjoy shaving quite a bit. It can brighten up a day fraught with difficulties... or even a great day. Thank all of you who have assisted me along my journey. I can't express my gratitude enough.
It is an odd habit we have, isn't it? Running sharpened steel blades over our faces? It can't really be described as "natural"... as an untrimmed beard would be "natural". I had a beard when I was a young carpenter so I'd look older and more experienced than I was. It worked too... But I always kept the cheek line and neck trimmed.... again.. Not natural.

I enjoy shaving quite a bit. It can brighten up a day fraught with difficulties... or even a great day. Thank all of you who have assisted me along my journey. I can't express my gratitude enough.

I have an occupation where stubble isn't out of place, but I definitely have gray now in my facial hair if not on top of my head. It makes me look older, so I try to shave before it's too noticeable.

Agreed on shaving being a pleasant interlude in the day. I try to take it as a moment of zen if possible.


Collecting wife bonus parts
I have an occupation where stubble isn't out of place, but I definitely have gray now in my facial hair if not on top of my head. It makes me look older, so I try to shave before its too noticeable.
My occupation doesn’t have any facial hair restrictions. I’ve had beards, goatees, stubble, other degrees of slobiness, as well as cleanly shaven. @Phoenixkh, my goal is to do as little damage as possible because my stubble is always visible no matter how close I shave and BBS is an impossible pipe dream. My hair grows very fast that I can feel increases in stubble in as little as three hours.
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