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Japanese aftershave items (recent gets)

I have a friend from Kyoto who generously agreed to bring me back a few items from his recent trip home. Thought I'd post a couple pics and reviews. The Mandom was a must have, not because of its scent (which is, largely, repulsive) but because of the writing on the giant screw top. The Lucido is a very nice, unscented AS with plenty of witch hazel. It comes in a nice glass bottle. I really enjoy this and follow it up with a scent of my choosing. The Valcan is also pleasant. I particularly find its green color interesting and enjoyable. The scent is light, clean and floral, lingering for hardly 30 minutes. It works well.

Any suggestions on what I should have him get on his next trip home...??!

Norman V.


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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Bravas, MG5 and Vintage...

Mandom isn't so bad, some mandarines and it's not the same when you wear it vs. the bottle...
MG5.... and more Mandom because it is truly awesome. :thumbup1: I think Bronson rolled in his grave when you called it replulsive! :laugh:
I love the scent of Mandom:w00t: A friend will be back from Japan on Saturday and he has got more of it for me.
I just added a bottle of Vintage aftershave and another of a Valcan that I'd never seen before, Valcan II. Unlike the regular Valcan, this one is light blue. I tried the Vintage this morning and it's pretty nice. My first impression is that it's a Portugal--we'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I found a new department store near the apartment where I'm staying that has a big selection of stuff. I'm looking forward to finding something else that I haven't tried yet.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I just added a bottle of Vintage aftershave and another of a Valcan that I'd never seen before, Valcan II. Unlike the regular Valcan, this one is light blue. I tried the Vintage this morning and it's pretty nice. My first impression is that it's a Portugal--we'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I found a new department store near the apartment where I'm staying that has a big selection of stuff. I'm looking forward to finding something else that I haven't tried yet.

Vintage is very nice and the menthol isn't kicking too much like Proraso. I mean, I love Proraso but sometimes, I like a milder Menthol!
Vintage is very nice and the menthol isn't kicking too much like Proraso. I mean, I love Proraso but sometimes, I like a milder Menthol!

I tried it again today and it's pretty darn good. At first splash, I wouldn't have even said that it had menthol in it. Very mildly cooling--like you stepped in front of a slowly moving fan with a wet face. It's a keeper. I'll have to try the Valcan tomorrow. I like the original Valcan a lot, so I hope this one is good too.
Interesting thread. I may have to try one of these AS just to have something this unique in the repertoire. The name Man Dom sounds, hover, like some odd full-body condom for men or something. That said, a name should never stand in the way of trying a good AS....:lol:
Interesting thread. I may have to try one of these AS just to have something this unique in the repertoire. The name Man Dom sounds, hover, like some odd full-body condom for men or something. That said, a name should never stand in the way of trying a good AS....:lol:

Go to YouTube and look for the Charles Bronson Mandom commercial. It will completely change your thinking. It's hilarious.

I tried the Valcan II yesterday. Like most Japanese aftershaves, it still comes in a sturdy glass botle, but it has a plastic shaker insert in the neck of the bottle that makes it easy to splash out a controlled amount. Felt very nice going on, but it is pretty close to scentless. Like a very faint version of the original Valcan. When I shaved in the morning, I got a brief whiff of citrus mossiness, then it was gone. However, in the evening I did a hard 30 minutes on the stairmaster at my local gym. About five minutes into it, I caught a faint whiff of Valcan again.
I believe that there is also a Valcan for sensitive skin, so I'm not sure what niche this targets. Maybe those who want a nearly scentless aftershave?All in all, it's fine but I prefer the original Valcan.
I've changed my original opinion on Mandom. It's growing on me. There are days where have no choice but to reach for the bottle with the giant black cap. Mandom. There. When I need it.
You fellas are not showing Mandom! proper respect. Do NOT forget the exclamation point.

Wow. That ad is....it left me speechless. Sort of like Lost in Translation having a high speed accident with Ron Burgundy in Anchorman.......the sophistication of coming back to your man pad after a night of listening to a club piano in a brightly lit and unoccupied bar, only to jubilantly throw your shirt into the air, proudly showing all the world your manly, hairy armpits! With a classy pipe clenched in your teeth, unlit, ponce around your man pad and douse yourself in a bottle of Man Dom as a fin-de-nuit ablution, writhing in ecstasy as the cologne hits your naked torso.

Words can't describe. That's an amazing ad. Love the vintage Japanese ads using American screen idols. They always finish with the announcer speaking in those aggressive, clipped tones of a Samurai announcing his intention to behead you for the honor of his clan....

Thanks, I watched this three times, disbelieving and slack-jawed, and it made my Saturday morning! That said, I'm sure Man Dom is a great AS, I'd certainly try it if I ever found it, if for no other reason than it would make me feel I was a super lucky He-Man of rippling torso and much beloved of woman-people! :thumbup1: I love Bronson's intoning "All the woild, all the woild loves a lover...." and the little Maytag-repairman valet who's frightening cheerfulness belies the fact that he's a closet serial killer of the Silence of the Lambs variety....the scenes of Bronson doing the dramatic 180 degree turn in the tuff-tuff buckskin clothes and shooting his pistol at the camera interspersed with him having the Man Dom bath, just pouring the stuff all over himself. Well, really, its impressive.

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Mmmmm, MANDOM! Honestly, it is a good aftershave. Very mild and soothing. The scent is often described as mandarin orange but I find to my nose it also has a bit of bitter orange as well. I really like it thought it fades fast.

Regards, Todd
Oh my, wait, there are more of them! Bronson chopping wood, Bronson wearing a cowboy hat in the office at his desk, spinning on his big Executive chair in the office and tossing his cowboy hat to land on a wall-mounted set of steer horns, and my favorite part, the world of ManDom!, which is accessed by a swinging metal gate of two ManDom! figures--full frontal nudity with genetalia done in wrought iron no less--a gate that swings open to reveal the world of Charles Bronson in full ManDom! glory. These ads are Ron Burgundy nonpareil.......The Channel 9 news parody of the ManDom! ad was great too......

Words fail..........:ouch1::ouch1:
If I can find a source where the shipping isn't more than the product, I will try some of these AS. Until then, I will have to content myself with watching Charles Bronson pouring ManDom! bottles over his head........
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