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Jade East...any good or stay away?

Opinions of this are all over the map, including more than one person saying that it smells like Brut (here and Basenotes). But I have to admit the description of it (and the cool name) intrigues me. I've come a long way since I discovered B&B...scents like Floid and Tabac would've sent me running for the hills just two years ago, and now I love them. So what about Jade East? Is it just cloying cheapness that should be avoided or an old treasure that deserves investigation from this Generation Y-er?
I wish that I had some current information for you. I remember in elementary school somebody spilled an entire bottle of Jade East a phone booth next to the cafeteria. I will never forget the sickeningly sweet, cloying smell of that phone booth--it lasted for the rest of the year. I can't imagine actually wearing it.
Does NOT smell like Brut.

The newer version is not quite as cloying as the old Songo(?) version, but it's still pretty sickening. FWIW, I'll use Hai Karate before I would Jade East, and that's saying a lot. They should have buried this back when they killed Hai Karate and Macho.
Does NOT smell like Brut.

The newer version is not quite as cloying as the old Songo(?) version, but it's still pretty sickening. FWIW, I'll use Hai Karate before I would Jade East, and that's saying a lot. They should have buried this back when they killed Hai Karate and Macho.

Is Hai Karate really that bad? I got a bottle of it in my Christmas stocking when I was in first or second grade. Obviously my folks overestimated my ability to generate hair. Since I didn't have any real use for it, I'd just check it out every now and then. Eventually I guess that somebody either threw it or gave it away. But I remember thinking it was pretty cool. God only knows what it really smelled like.
Cheap and cloying, though it has gotten better. If you want something strong and slightly floral, get Musgo AS.
Is Hai Karate really that bad? I got a bottle of it in my Christmas stocking when I was in first or second grade. Obviously my folks overestimated my ability to generate hair. Since I didn't have any real use for it, I'd just check it out every now and then. Eventually I guess that somebody either threw it or gave it away. But I remember thinking it was pretty cool. God only knows what it really smelled like.

These are my thoughts on Hai Karate. :biggrin:
These are my thoughts on Hai Karate. :biggrin:

That's an awesome post/review. I can't remember what Hai Karate smells like. There's probably a reason for that, and after reading your highly entertaining and informative review, I'm completely satisfied to leave that memory buried in the past.

That's was fun to watch the old commercial. I also remember the old, "my man wears British Sterling, or he wears nothing at all!" That was actually pretty risque back then. Aftershaves and colognes used to be well-advertised and an ubiquitous gift. I think a lot of guys simply wore whatever they happened to have been given rather than looking around for *gasp* something they actually liked.
There used to be a lot of Avon scents that came in all kinds of cool packaging. As I recall, they were quite "department store-ish" and all kind of smelled the same.
Okay, so my curiosity about Jade East ends here. :biggrin:

While I know that some colognes that are cheap in price can smell good, nothing's worse than something that smells cheap.
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