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Jack black Supreme Triple Cushion!!! Fantastic

What's up shaver's,
Now I know you guys already made up your mine when it come to Jack black shaving products...some of us hate them, but for me...wow I couldn't belive the way it lathered on face and the shave was totaly awesome!!! I got a coupe of free samples of the cream. I read the comments on the review of this cream, and they were not kind..well except for one person who felt the same way I did...look at the reviews and see..note..it's the one with the pictures :)
But I know the saying what works for you may not work for someone else..
But if your ever near Norstrum or Sephora check out a sample you might be suprised..oh and the price isn't to expensive..well if your buying creams like AOS, T&H, and CF then it's great its got two more oz then AOS for the same price. :) Give it a try you don't know what your missen:thumbup1:
I've tried it, and I found it to be a decent cream. Not awful by any means, but nothing I'd go out of my way to acquire again. In particular, its lathering potential is low - and this is the most recent formulation, which is supposed to have "new improved lather." I can only imagine what the old version must have been like. I wouldn't call it brushless, because it does lather a little; but it is not even close to the best lathering creams out there.
Well their other shaving cream is the Beard conditioner lube, which goes on clear and not recommended for a brush, but their new cream is the same only difference is that it actually lathers up by hand or brush(given you a nice lather), ingredients are all the same thou..To me it holds its own with thee other top shaving creams..:lol:
Well their other shaving cream is the Beard conditioner lube, which goes on clear and not recommended for a brush, but their new cream is the same only difference is that it actually lathers up by hand or brush(given you a nice lather), ingredients are all the same thou..To me it holds its own with thee other top shaving creams..:lol:

I've used the Beard Lube, as well, and I find it to be totally different from the Supreme Cream. The Supreme Cream was reformulated within the last year or so. My tub says "New Improved Lather," and the store where I bought it had a tester in the older formula, so I could compare the ingredients. They are significantly different from the ones in the current version. Most of the reviews of this cream in the review forum appear to be of the older formulation, since they date back to 2008 and 2009. The more recent reviews in 2010 refer to the new formula, and are generally positive. Like I said, I think the new formula is OK, but it's not going to put my favorite creams out of business. Having said that, I think the average brushless shaver could do a lot worse than this cream. Combining this cream with Jack Black's very good aftershave gel would make a great shaving combo for a lot of folks who aren't into more traditional shaving methods, or for those looking for a no-fuss travel setup.
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I haven't tried the Supreme Cream yet, except to open up the tester at Nordstroms and sniff it. I think I have a foil sampler somewhere, if not, I'll ask the salespeople to scoop me out a little to take home and try out.

I was very impressed with Jack Black Beard Lube. Granted, it doesn't produce much lather, but then again, its not supposed to. Since it is a 3-in-1 product, containing PSO, lather, and ASB in one product, its ideal for travel, or to keep in the shave den for those days when you need a good, quick shave without going through all the steps. The important thing is it gave me a great shave when I used it, and really, that's all that counts.
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I've used the Beard Lube, as well, and I find it to be totally different from the Supreme Cream. The Supreme Cream was reformulated within the last year or so. My tub says "New Improved Lather," and the store where I bought it had a tester in the older formula, so I could compare the ingredients. They are significantly different from the ones in the current version. Most of the reviews of this cream in the review forum appear to be of the older formulation, since they date back to 2008 and 2009. The more recent reviews in 2010 refer to the new formula, and are generally positive. Like I said, I think the new formula is OK, but it's not going to put my favorite creams out of business. Having said that, I think the average brushless shaver could do a lot worse than this cream. Combining this cream with Jack Black's very good aftershave gel would make a great shaving combo for a lot of folks who aren't into more traditional shaving methods, or for those looking for a no-fuss travel setup.

well said...:thumbup1:
I went through a tub of the new formulation Supreme Cream and found it easy to lather. Being almost unscented, I wasn't really all that impressed with the product, plus I can get a much better shave with Nivea or Proraso for much less.

As for the Beard Lube, I tried it in various ways. First, as a PSO which worked alright back when my shaves were rougher (w/Gilette SuperSpeed). Once I was in a rush way back when I used disposables, used it as a shaving cream, and it faired alright, but I cringe at the thought of having to do it again.

If anyone is participating in the Big Box (#2) look out for some samples of the new formulation Supreme Cream that I will be adding for folks to try. Although I find the product to be too pricey to purchase again, I do think it deserves a bit of a better name around here.
I tried the old version and it wouldn't lather with a brush. I have a sample tube sent to me with a recent purchase of the Jack Black Double Duty Face Moisturizer (which is probably the only thing that never changes in my routine). I'll have to pull out the sample tube to see how it does.
Your local Nordstrom should have some samples that you can snag to try this stuff out. I thought it was decent, but don't think it'll be something I buy any time soon (given the ever-growing list of soaps and creams I want to try).
Well their other shaving cream is the Beard conditioner lube, which goes on clear and not recommended for a brush, but their new cream is the same only difference is that it actually lathers up by hand or brush(given you a nice lather), ingredients are all the same thou..To me it holds its own with thee other top shaving creams..:lol:

+1 My thoughts exactly!
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