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I've been to the Futur and it's not for me

A few weeks ago, I ordered and received a chrome Merkur Futur. I really wanted to like this because of all the good reviews I've seen here but I guess my facial hair isn't thick enough to justify the weight and aggressiveness of it, even though I leave it on a setting of 1. I've got a Muhle R106 that gives me a great shave, especially with a Feather but it doesn't matter what blade I put in the Futur. I always wind up with several weepers and today, I got a pretty big nick. I've been using a DE razor for a couple of months and think I have a good technique but the Futur is just a bit too much for my face. I'm wondering if I'm alone here or have others had problems with the Futur?
I've had 2 Futurs and promptly sold them both for pretty much the same reason. There are quite a few folks who swear by them though.
Hi dcom: I have never used a Futur but I have heard nothing but great things about this razor. Since U only had the razor for a few weeks... I hope that U will be patient and give the Futur a chance. I'm sure someone will chime in on their thoughts of the Futur.

I have a Futur. It's nice, but unwieldy. The heft is great for your first pass, just stretch your skin and you'll pretty much have a DFS all over. What you have to be careful about is being ham-handed on subsequent passes. The extra weight can make your form sloppy if you let it. I'll be honest and tell you that I like a more nimble razor (like the phenomenal Muhle R41), but the Futur deserves a second and third chance.

Oh, and try an Astra SP in there...
Hi dcom: I have never used a Futur but I have heard nothing but great things about this razor. Since U only had the razor for a few weeks... I hope that U will be patient and give the Futur a chance. I'm sure someone will chime in on their thoughts of the Futur.

Well, I got the Futur because I thought an adjustable might give me a more comfortable close shave but I just didn't realize how heavy it was and I think that's the problem. I don't have thick hair and even with no pressure, I don't feel that I have the same control that I do with a lighter razor.
DCom you might want to give a Progress a shot. I like the Progress quite a bit more than the Futur (and even Slims and Fatboys). It's a good adjustable and can be made even better if you give it the Mergress treatment
The Futur is the most aggressive adjustable razor!! Im a fan of it but i also like the '11 R41.
I have the Futur and love it. I will say though that I didn't get good shaves for a while. It wasn't that I had lots of irritation, but just lots of left over stubble. I love the heft, size, and design - though I do have very large hands. After trying a few different blades, I now get BBS shaves every time, but as we all know YMMV. FWIW, I now start my shave on a 4-5 setting and then dial down each subsequent pass. My critique of the Futur is the blade loading and adjustment....terrible system imo.
I found the Futur a better adjustable razor for me than the Slim or Fat Boy. It took about three shaves with it to get the feel of the large head and I do just take my time when using it. I normally start the first pass on 4.5 then subsequent passes on 2.5 or 3.
The head is the main force that makes the razor unfriendly to some but since I have a 'stash I don't have to worry about shaving under the nose. I do get a weeper every so often, but the nice close shave is worth it. I normally use a Med Prep or Perma Sharp blade in the Futur. A Feather or even a SI, Black or Kai may be a bit too much on the sharp side in the Futur for my use, but I have yet to try them with the razor.
skleice: I generally get decent shaves from it but it's just too heavy for me and I agree about the loading system. The blade loves to come off with the head instead of staying on the base. It also likes to drop off the head unexpectedly so I have to make sure I hold it low over a towel.
I found the Futur a better adjustable razor for me than the Slim or Fat Boy. It took about three shaves with it to get the feel of the large head and I do just take my time when using it. I normally start the first pass on 4.5 then subsequent passes on 2.5 or 3.
The head is the main force that makes the razor unfriendly to some but since I have a 'stash I don't have to worry about shaving under the nose. I do get a weeper every so often, but the nice close shave is worth it. I normally use a Med Prep or Perma Sharp blade in the Futur. A Feather or even a SI, Black or Kai may be a bit too much on the sharp side in the Futur for my use, but I have yet to try them with the razor.

+1 - that's it, let the razor do the work. It only takes a light hand to guide it. Mine does very well for me all three passes on 2.5 with a Shark blade. The soaps vary, but I normally start of with an oil and then use an Italian soft soap, or Pré de Provence, which is a little harder.
I got a Futur and it's not exactly my favorite razor. I find it to be a hulking over-engineered mess. It's very difficult to shave under the nose with. It's like cutting the grass with a jackhammer when all you need is a push mower.
I have used mine 3 times and am trying to force myself to trade or sell it. It is a gorgeous razor and it shaves well, but something about it just turns me off.
Ive never tried a futur, but for the money i think i would be more happy with my slim anyday of the week, a great looking slim, uncased can be had for 30 bucks at most, and i LOVE the shave it gives too, i use it on different settings depending on days between shaves and couldnt be happier with it,

if you still like the idea of an adjustable but not the futur i would look in that direction on its lowest settings i dont think you will find it to aggressive, but for heavy growth days its nice to have the extra notches,

that being said certain razors dont always agree with all blades on your face, if you havent given the razor away and your mind will let you try it again unbiased you may wish to try another blade, still a sharp one though, but maybe a gillette yellow, astra, SI if you have any, just something else to see if it changes things for you and make you happy with a razor you want to love, my personal favorite blades are supwermax SPs

just a couple of thoughts for you
+1. That's exactly what I did. Good advice. I went to the Mergress, too.

DCom you might want to give a Progress a shot. I like the Progress quite a bit more than the Futur (and even Slims and Fatboys). It's a good adjustable and can be made even better if you give it the Mergress treatment
...that being said certain razors dont always agree with all blades on your face, if you havent given the razor away and your mind will let you try it again unbiased you may wish to try another blade, still a sharp one though, but maybe a gillette yellow, astra, SI if you have any, just something else to see if it changes things for you and make you happy with a razor you want to love, my personal favorite blades are supwermax SPs

just a couple of thoughts for you

I might try a different blade. I've used Feathers, Treets, Gillette yellows but not an Astra. The Astra in my R106 was underwhelming but it might be good in the Futur.
I have one and it's definitely needs an extremely light touch and if you perfer a mellow blade. I shaved with it yesterday and some twenty four hours later I still had bbs! I did go a bit to aggressive and was a wee bit tender but man! What a shaver. I've found this razor to be an excellent razor for thirty six hour growth or a "Monday" razor to help set the tone for the week. For the rest of the week I alternate with the EJ. Certainly not an everyday razor but worthy of a place in rotation.
I get a BBS shave every time with my Vision 2000 (set at the widest gap). I just bought a Futur and hope for the same results.
Sorry the Futur didn't work for you. Set at 2.5 it mows down my beard and I hardly ever suffer a nick or a weeper. I do have a heavy beard and I think the extra weight helps. I'm really happy with my Futur. I hope you find the razor that works well for you.
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