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Issue with Merkur Vision - Any solutions?

My wife recently bought me a Merkur Vision, and I really like it a lot. It gives great shaves, and it feels quite hefty and manly.

However, I have noticed something that seems odd to me. When the blade is in the razor and the silos are closed up tight, the part right under the blade can wiggle back and forth a little bit, changing the blade exposure (making it like a slant). I just make sure that it is even before I shave, and check it in between passes to make sure it hasn't changed on me. I haven't noticed it changing, but it still bugs me. Upon further inspection, I found that I can push up on the adjustment deal, and it will push that whole bottom portion up with it, unless it is set to the minimum possible adjustment.

Does any one else who has a Vision experience this? If it's the way it's supposed to be, I'll just set my mind to rest and consider it a funky design flaw. But, if something is wrong with my razor, I want to fix it or return it.

If you have experienced this, have you been able to fix it? I've read over the Vision Surgery thread many times, but it doesn't seem to address this issue.

I sent mine back and the second one I received is even worse. The first was perfect on one side and gapped on the opposite. The second one is gapped on both sides.

I have given up on it. I have thought about PIFing it with the understanding of what is going on. I may buy a Futur to replace it, but I am really enjoying my Joris open comb.

Overall, I lost $110.
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