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Is wtg really needed ?

I have been wet shaving a little over 2 monts now. I do a wtg, xtg and atg and a touch-up.my quetion is does wtg really help when doing the 3 pass shave? Or could you do a xtg and then 2 passes atg and get the same results, if not better?
The reason i ask, it just seems like wtg does not do much, if anything to my wiskers.
I personally feel whiskers being cut when I start with WTG, and I would rather have less whiskers on my XTG and ATG passes in order to avoid nicks, etc.
Well, it's gonna be up to you depending on what your experience is. I have found that it is needed.

A few years ago I had the same question you have and I tried shaving without it and had more pain and weepers on the XTG and ATG passes.

You may find the opposite. Give it a try and see.
The idea is to slowly and gradually reducing the hair....that is to minimize the "shock" to skin which causes burns and irritation later on...

I have just tried once without wtg a couple of days ago after one of the BB-ers suggested such....straight 2 xtg and one atg ....which turned out about the same....but that was 2 days worth of hair after previous shave which is mild....probably you need wtg for thicker beard...havent tried that out....if it works with you with no difference then you can stick wit that which saves time....
Yep. If you're keen to feel what an XTG is like without WTG first, crack on. I gave it a try once when I was late for work, and I will n.o.t. be doing that again!!
I usually notice a large portion of my whiskers get trimmed with my WTG pass, especially if it has been some time since my last shave. Usually, rubbing WTG after the pass, I barely feel anything, though ATG it feels like sand paper, but that is what my XTG passes clean up pretty well. Only rarely do I do ATG, if I want to be really smooth, just because I still get some irritation with ATG.
In my opinion WTG is very much needed. In fact if I want to get the closest shave I go WTG twice before moving on. It doesn't feel or sound like its doing much, but when I get to the ATG portion I can tell.
I guess it depends on the individual, but I certainly wouldn't skip my WTG pass. That first pass takes me right to a SAS, or even close to a DFS on a good day. The rest of the passes are just to get that last 10% of smoothness.
The ultimate goal is a maximum close shave with minimum irritation or discomfort. The minimum irritation is achieved shaving WTG. So, if a satisfactory close shave can be achieved going WTG only, that's the best way. For most of us, WTG is not enough, so we need XTG, and some of us - ATG to finish the job.

I have a question on my own. If we proclaim a multipass beard reduction to avoid the stress on the skin, why do we strive for maximum reduction on the first pass? Isn't it more appropriate to divide it between the passes, even doing a light first pass almost without touching the skin? It means using a smaller blade gap on an adjustable or using a milder razor on the first pass.
I have a question on my own. If we proclaim a multipass beard reduction to avoid the stress on the skin, why do we strive for maximum reduction on the first pass? Isn't it more appropriate to divide it between the passes, even doing a light first pass almost without touching the skin? It means using a smaller blade gap on an adjustable or using a milder razor on the first pass.

Well, I never took multiple passes to mean an even spread of the shaving work. Actually, for me unless I just intentionally shave at the wrong angle I always do at least 80% of the work in the first pass. I can't help it ..it just happens automatically. I have very little, if any visible stubble after the first pass. It doesn't matter if it's a one day shave or 5. The rest are just gravy to get me really close. It's sort of the 80/20 rule for me.
I'd say yes BUT it's up to you. Try without it. If you get a good close shave and no irritation or cuts, then the answer is 'no' for you. I'm in the reduction camp. Every pass reduces the beard a bit more. I find I get less irritation and fewer problems this way. I do three passes on my face and four on my neck.

WTG x 2 with touch up/buffing is my daily work shave. Quick, minimum irritation and good enough for the office. It helps me enjoy the shave without having to overly concentrate on XTG and ATG which require a mental focus and acuity I lack at 0600. Do whatever works.
I agree with the above - if you don't need it then don't do it.
However, if your WTG is not doing much, then you might need to work on technique a bit more. Your angle may be a bit off.
Alternatively, throw in a Gillette Slide to make you wonder if your XTG is worth it. :)
For my neck and chin, I skip the WTG and go XTG, instead. Then, another XTG in the other direction, followed by ATG. Everything above the jawline gets a WTG, ATG, ATG.
If you can jump straight to XTG then you are lucky. Do it if you like.
But the fact that WTG doesn't do much for you is a bad sign. Maybe you need sharper blades, better prep, or a different angle.

Multiple passes don't just achieve beard reduction, going in different directions also reduces the chances of missed hairs, by getting the blade into more of the dips and valleys.
It's a bit like painting a wall, you don't make a point of brushing in one direction only, you vary directions to ensure more even coverage.
what razor and blades are you using?


i am using astra sp as far as the razors go i have been using edwin jagger merkur 34c and the 1904 classic also a bunch of vintage gillettes , fatboy,slim,and today i was using a flair(s.s).
All razors that i use are on a 3 day run, after which i change razors and throw away the blade.i have also tries derbys but my stubble comes back much quicker when i use them.i am
also trying bluebirds, which i find to be a little sharper then the astras.
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