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Is this normal ?

Hi gang !!!

Just received in the mail my new ikon bulldog handle and opening it, i noticed that the knurling is ''benty'' rather than straight......

see pic:

Is this normal or should i contact vendor for replacement ???

Help me out !!


  • $IMG_0074.jpg
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Does it matter either way?

I cannot see that being an issue. I think it looks "cooler" than the straight knurling
I don't think it is intentional per se, but I do think it looks pretty neat. Looks like lathe's spindle speed was a little slow/high on that run.
Thanks guyz !!!!

I'll see what the vendor has to say, but this is unacceptable for iKon. They are famous for their attention to detail.

Should i contact them as well ???
I personally would leave it alone.

I guess my problem is, "Why do you have an issue with the razor?" Everything is perfectly fine, yeah the knurling is crooked but it looks better than the "normal" knurling.

The only reason I would contact the vendor is if there was something affecting the shave or a deep scratch.... I just dont understand why complain about something that looks better than normal.

Maybe I am looking at this from a different angle.
I keep looking at the picture and each time think it's an optical illusion or something, if it were mine, I'd keep it :)
If it were mine, I would contact the vendor. It would irritate me like hell, each time I would look at it.

YMMV, as usual!
It doesn't look like it would affect the shave. As near as I can tell, if it drives you crazy send it back. I would have to feel it in my hand before making a determination. Looking at the picture makes my eyes water, I will say that.
I think it looks cool but I also think it would bug me, maybe a picture of the whole handle will show the annoyance of this more. I would contact the vendor myself, unless it was listed as a factory-second item...
If you don't like it, contact them for a replacement. If you like it keep it, but you are certainly under no obligation to keep the non-conforming goods that you received.
look for a replacement as said before, it will eventually get under your skin & if you go to sell it on here you might have to knock a few bob of it because or the imperfection,
I think the "it doesn't effect the shave" arguement is pretty weak. You expect a certain level of quality when you fork over your money for a product like this. I would contact the vendor.
It is not like this is some rare miss-printed stamp or currency, it is a poorly produced handle that slipped through the quality control at the production level. It may even be a "One of a kind." Some may like the way it looks and some may not. My guess is that many years from now no one is going to be saying "I wish I could get my hands on one of those rare Ikon Bulldog handles with the half twisted knurling." No, it won't affect the shave, yes it does affect the looks. If you like the looks or the uniqueness of it, keep it. If you do not like the way it looks return it as it clearly looks to be a production error and I am sure Ikon would be happy to replace it for you.
"Ikon w/unique twist pattern on handle"

it will be worth hundreds, since it's one of a kind.

i say keep it. Unless you want one that looks like everyone elses.
Think of it like this, Some Mis print coins are worth millions because of a printing error, So you have a Unique piece there, Rare error from Ikon, I would keep because of its defect.
I'd probably keep it too because of the rarity and thats just the nerd/ collector in me :dots: but then my A.D.D. / O.C.D. half would tell me to return it and get one that looks the way it is SUPPOSED to look...so I would probably end up keeping it and buying another one so I have both and make "us both" happy...:a17:
Think of it like this, Some Mis print coins are worth millions because of a printing error, So you have a Unique piece there, Rare error from Ikon, I would keep because of its defect.

I was thinking the same thing when I read this thread. Like someone taking the 1955 Double-Die back to the bank for a replacement penny 'cause it was 'blurry'. :lol::lol::lol:
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