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Is there a honemaster in Madison, WI?

The title says it all. I am "thinking" about getting into straight razor shaving. I have two razors that I would like to have honed by a professional and be shave ready.
I have done a bunch of Google searches, but have come up empty for Madison. Can anyone provide guidance to a business or individual that lives locally?


Well, I spent 6 years in grad school there, but that was 12 yrs ago. Awesome town. (I know, useless response, but I like the city a ton!) oh! And I was there last July blowing through town on vacation. Spent a few hours on the Terrace and showing the kids where their 'rents went to grad school. Was fantastic.
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Yeah, your best option is to send it out for honing.

I've been shaving with a SR for 6 months now. I usually send my SR out for honing to a professional honemeister in MO. I spend $25 + shipping for the service and get great work.
There is a gentleman in Wisconsin that teaches, operates as a mentor for newcomers, and hones straight razors. I do not know if he is near Madison, but I will alert him to this thread.
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