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Is the Slim have any different features than the Fat Boy?

Ok. I was wondering what prompted Gillette to make the slim over the fatboy. I love both razors but was wondering is there really any difference other than the handle between the two?
My guess is that it was to (1) save material in manufacturing, and (2) to return to a more traditional sized handle.

I'm not sure where I read it, but somewhere it was implied that the Fat Boy had to incorporate so much mechanics into the handle (for adjustment and door open/close) that it had to be fat because it wasn't yet perfected. The Slim was the result once they got things right. But I can't vouch for the veracity of this.
The head on the slim is a little flatter (not as "domed"). The handle's longer and thinner, as you point out. Apart from that (and this is subjective, I'll admit), the fatboy seems like it's more aggressive to me -- my fatboy stays set between 3 nd 4 usually, and my slim roams between 4 and 5.
Hope it helps,
-- Chet
I had a '59 Fatboy and swapped it for a Slim. I prefer the feel of the Slim. I did notice I can set my Slim to 7-8 when I never dared go higher than 6 on my Fatboy. Not sure if such a difference in settings are intentional by Gillette, or perhaps my Slim/Fatboy had the safety bar slightly bent upwards or down. :blink: :tongue_sm

Either way, I'm happier with the Slim than I was with the Fatboy. I wanted to love the Fatboy more, but it wasn't meant to be. :lol:
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I am one of those who get identical shaves with both. The only difference for me is the extra weight of the FB.
Gillette had to go from the Beautiful Double Ring to Single , and make another equally questionable change going from the Fabulous Fatboy to the pedestrian Slim a half century later - and then abandon DE razors altogether.:mad3:
I use both but prefer the FB. The FB feels a little heavier.
I use it daily and coupled with Barbasol Skin Conditioner
Shave Cream I can make multiple passes on 4 and end
up with an absolutely smooth shave with no irritation.
I am one of those who get identical shaves with both. The only difference for me is the extra weight of the FB.

I too get almost identical shaves . . . slight advantage goes to the Slim. The balance feels better in my hand.

The blade gap covers the same range between both razors. The change in balance is what makes the difference for some users.

Material and build quality is the same between both razors. I would agree with the "refinement" theory.
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