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Is that possible?

awhile back on the bay I found an asian made version of this in green...meh..the item I found was shipping from Thailand and it was only starting @ $.99 ..lol!
Interesting. Never heard of such a thing. What is the wet shaving world coming to?

I guess we'll have to wait until someone tries on of these things out. I think its a step backwards. :thumbdown
I would have bought it.

Except when I add it to the cart, the price shows up as $121.50

I tried to add it also and it show up at 121.50$, kind of weird, they show it at 8$ on the page
I just sent them an email to know if it's really made by Merkur in Germany, and to know why the razor is list at 8$ and when you add it in the cart it end up to be 121$.
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I would have bought it.

Except when I add it to the cart, the price shows up as $121.50

I tried to add it also and it show up at 121.50$, kind of weird, they show it at 8$ on the page
I just sent them an email to know if it's really made by Merkur in Germany, and to know why the razor is list at 8$ and when you add it in the cart it end up to be 121$.

I just sent an email to the fellow behind the web site. Hopefully it will be corrected soon.
That THING makes me sick, its not enough to throw away 1.50 every week on dispossables, now plastic is a throw away bargain at 121.50 a week
My guess its a fake. Same stuff happens in the golf world. A asian company sells name brand stuff at cheap prices only to find out they were cheap for a reason, they were fakes with the trademark name. They are not really fast to shut these operations down and when they do they just start up a new website. Be very careful when ordering anything from a asian company, funny thing is though so much of it is made there :)

The guy from the website contact me today,
he said it was a mistake and that he doesn't have anymore those razors.
But he didn't said if it was really made by Merkur so i guess it was a cheap china razor.
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