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Is My New R41 Shaving My Beard or Pulling the Hairs Out ?


With much anticipation, I loaded my new (to me) R41 with a new Astra SP and shaved for the first time Friday evening and then again last night.... The problem - as mentioned in the title - it felt like I was pulling the hairs as opposed to shaving them. The resulting shave was also not close at all.

The prep was great. I'm guessing my blade angle is incorrect. Any thoughts on what my problem may be? How does the optimal angle of the R41 compare to other milder razors ( 34C, DE89, Tech's, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.
You're probably shaving with too steep of a blade angle. Start with the cap on your face (handle straight out), and then lower down the handle until the blade just touches your skin. Make sure your prep is very good. This will put the blade in more of a cutting mode, and less of a scraping one.

What blades are you using?
You're probably shaving with too steep of a blade angle. Start with the cap on your face (handle straight out), and then lower down the handle until the blade just touches your skin. Make sure your prep is very good. This will put the blade in more of a cutting mode, and less of a scraping one.

+1, light grip and light pressure are key as well.
I, too, have had great difficulties with the R41. I do get the closest shaves of my life, no doubt, but it is a very uncomfortable shave. Like the OP, it feels like my hairs are being tugged at somethin' fearce. I do in fact use a very shallow blade angle, which does help. FYI - I have used Feathers, Med Preps, Iridiums, Sharks and Israeli reds in the R41. For me, the feathers are the best blade producing the least tug with the R41.

Don't even get me started on shaving above and below my lips with the R41 though. Feels like I'm disarming a bomb, or playing that old children's game 'operation'. I have to concentrate so hard, I can feel the vein in my forhead pulsing - the slightest false move and: 'Boom', weeper city!!!!!!

On the plus side, the R41 has improved the hell out of my technique and brought my shaving to the next level with less agressive razors such as the EJ DE89. It's like driving a Mercedes after you've learned to drive in a NASCAR.
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You're probably shaving with too steep of a blade angle. Start with the cap on your face (handle straight out), and then lower down the handle until the blade just touches your skin. Make sure your prep is very good. This will put the blade in more of a cutting mode, and less of a scraping one.

What blades are you using?

^^^ This is the opposite of what I do. I did this in the past, but have since turned away from that strategy and have gotten better shaves. I have decided that touching the blade guard on your face (handle vertical) and then turning up until the blade makes contact is the best strategy. And, I feel like this is what Muhle had in mind when they made the razor – they force you to use a super aggressive angle to get a really close shave.

This does result in more of a scraping shave than any other razor I have tried. If you think of an adjustable Gillette, more aggressive settings move the blade away from the guard bar which increases the blade gap but also increases the aggression of the blade angle (essentially making it “scrape” more). If you take your cue from the razor cap, adjusting the aggression on a Gillette adjustable will do nothing.

If the OP is pulling hair out, or feeling that sensation and not getting a close shave, my guess is that he is almost at the perfect angle, but needs to turn the handle just slightly more horizontally (more perpendicular to the face). Right now, the blade guard is making contact, but the blade is not making secure contact with the skin. The blade is hovering just a fraction over the skin which is creating the pulling sensation.

If used properly, making contact on the skin with both the blade guard and the blade, the final result is that the blade angle is very aggressive, the razor will sing as it cuts, and the shave will be very close.
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Just to add, I haven't watched these two videos by Mantic and GeoFatboy, so I'm not sure what they say, but by scrolling through the shaving scenes it appeared as though they both also keep the handle almost parallel to the skin which is how I believe the R41 is meant to be used.


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Thanks for the comments, Gents. I feel like the prep is good and the pressure very light (I've been shaving with a parker shavette lately and that's really improved the light touch). I'll continue to toy with different blades (think I'll try a Feather next) and and adjust the angle as well.
Just keep at it. It has taken me the better part of a year to learn to shave with it. I used it this morning, loaded with a Feather and no problems. When I first used it there was a lot of blood involved, now none, just a very close two pass shave I tend to hold at too much of an angle and do get a bit of tugging, and the blade tends to sing like a single edge Gem.
Prep is good to soften the whiskers. BUT I think you are starting to realize the truth about agressive razors. You must raise the handle and shave without the safety bar touching your face. Otherwise the blade angle is scrapping your beard, pushing it sideways. To reach the optimal cutting angle you must raise the handle of your raizor. I had a R41, I tried both aways. I believe the safety bar stretches and levels the skin before the blade. I can use the R41 effectively but I believe there are better razors.
I have decided that touching the blade guard on your face (handle vertical) and then turning up until the blade makes contact is the best strategy. And, I feel like this is what Muhle had in mind when they made the razor...
If used properly, making contact on the skin with both the blade guard and the blade, the final result is that the blade angle is very aggressive, the razor will sing as it cuts, and the shave will be very close.

exactly! Use the guard and the bring up handle to engage blade, then just a little more to get premium angle. This works for me and I even roll the razor that way sometimes when I am beginning a new section of my face. ie. Place it guard on upper lip, and the roll the handle up while then pulling entire razor down. Nice and smooth! (not scraping)
I find that when I shave WTG on the first pass, at least on the area of my neck around my Adam's Apple - I have some problems with nicks. Maybe I should just shave towards the nose on my neck?
Agreed with the angle being around the opposite of other razors. I've not had mine very long, but am already comfortable with using mine, and I get the least irritation, and closest shave with mine, with 2 passes. GeoFatboy's video definitely helps with this beast of a razor. Pay attention to angle of razor. The blade will be nearly perpendicular to your face, and the handle almost parallel. I have found that I'm not as picky with blade choice with mine, similar to my Gillette New. I have noticed that there is some tug that it has with longer whiskers. I do one pass WTG and one XTG, and that ends up getting everything smooth. Just be careful when going ATG with it!
Just received my R41 today and it was a great shave (I held the handle vertical and then turning up until the blade makes contact). I know YMMV and all that but I don't really see this razor as being aggressive, very close shave, happy to have bought it.
I, too, have had great difficulties with the R41. I do get the closest shaves of my life, no doubt, but it is a very uncomfortable shave. Like the OP, it feels like my hairs are being tugged at somethin' fearce. I do in fact use a very shallow blade angle, which does help. FYI - I have used Feathers, Med Preps, Iridiums, Sharks and Israeli reds in the R41. For me, the feathers are the best blade producing the least tug with the R41.

Don't even get me started on shaving above and below my lips with the R41 though. Feels like I'm disarming a bomb, or playing that old children's game 'operation'. I have to concentrate so hard, I can feel the vein in my forhead pulsing - the slightest false move and: 'Boom', weeper city!!!!!!

On the plus side, the R41 has improved the hell out of my technique and brought my shaving to the next level with less agressive razors such as the EJ DE89. It's like driving a Mercedes after you've learned to drive in a NASCAR.

LOL I swear I feel the same way, I don't know why I love this razor so much.. I have watched like 7 videos on the r41. Sometimes I get a nice bbs shave, other times I feel like I am holding a bulldozer to my chin. Is it me, or does it sometimes feel like you are shaving totally dry at times? I have a feeling I am not even shaving at times, just removing skin and cream....
Either way, its never a pleasant shave. I don't even get nicks, maybe a few weapers. Its just the constant tugging and scraping and listening to the metal pinging ...I have used Israeli reds, feathers, derbys, wilki's, sharks, astras, dorcos and treets....Today I could not bare it anymore and switched to a 37c slant to finish which now feels like a de89 after that session. I change the angle wildly because sometimes steep works well, others it does not. All I know is I am going to tame this r41 :)
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