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Is my beard growth normal?

In addition to having a very coarse fast growing beard, the growth on my neck goes all the way from my jawline down to the start of my neck. I notice that on must(all?) men that their neck hairs only cover maybe a 1/4 of their neck. When I watch Mantic's video he only lathers up on abit of his neck I notice.

In addition I have growth on the side of my neck too that needs to be taken care of every second shave. I'm also finding I now have to shave the back of my neck almost every week.

Normal or am I a wolf?
I have the same neck growth as you. Everyone is different and there is no normal beard growth pattern.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Doesn't sound abnormal to me.
I shave from just below the eyes to the collar bone and from side to side.
I don't shave the back of the neck because;
1. Can't see it
2. It gets cut with the hair that gets cut when I get a haircut.

Okay... just kidding. Your beard pattern sounds a lot like mine. The only difference is I don't shave the back of my neck. Other than that... we could be related?!
I have stubble down to just below my Adam's apple. (It took me 14 years and finding B & B before I realised the growth went S-N in that area.)


My beard starts growing at top of my feet and goes up over the top of my head and down to the back of my ankles. I only shave a small spot on my face.
When I was younger I wondered about the guys whose chest hair was cut in a perfect line at their sternal notch. I never thought my neckline would look like that. Now I have the same pattern.
Another one here! I would love to shave less of my neck! :cursing:

Not me! Now that I am getting BBS all the time and have "a few" choices of razor/blades/soaps etc that I enjoy I am glad to shave from checks to collar bone and sides of the neck...I haven't shaved anything else yet to prolong my morning ritual :scared:!
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