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Is it weird that I want to smell like an old man?

Not in a dusty, moth ball sort of way, but something classic that would make Anita Ekberg swoon. That's all I ask.

I'm 24 and it seems like all guys my age want to be dipped in Hollister and Abercrombie garbage, nasty. Any suggestions for a guy born in the wrong decade?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
First of all, I'm an old man and we don't all smell the same. :biggrin1:

Nothing on this forum is as individual as scents. I suggest you get a pile of samples and see what you like - on your skin. I have tried some scents with a ton of wonderful reviews and on me (and my nose) they smell most unpleasant.

I find basenotes to be a good site for reviews.
I think there's something about exuding a sense of maturity with scents that older gentlemen tend to gravitate towards and use. Conversely, wearing Abercrombie and Holister tend to produce a vision of a younger individual.

I am 24 and I use a lot of mature scents, even though I enjoy some of the younger, hipper scents as well.

The answer to your thread title is:

yes, a little.

Oh, come on. :biggrin1:

To be fair, could you agree with me that if someone over the age of 60 said they want to smell like a "young man", one could tell them to douse themselves in Axe and get the job done?
I'm simply trying to bridge a generational gap here, and certainly leaning in favor of baby boomers and beyond. (Also demonstrated by the fact that I use a razor made prior to WWII) :wink:
I think there's something about exuding a sense of maturity with scents that older gentlemen tend to gravitate towards and use. Conversely, wearing Abercrombie and Holister tend to produce a vision of a younger individual.

I am 24 and I use a lot of mature scents, even though I enjoy some of the younger, hipper scents as well.

Definitely agree. I don't hate all "modern" scents, but I feel like many of them are overdone, and a lot of men our age are too happy with getting their fragrance out of an aerosol can. What kind of "mature scents" do you use?
My wife would ask "Are you trying to smell like an old man or an old dead man?"

Apparently several of the frags I have had her sniff in the past several years of this hobby would have distinct classification.

She likes modern aquatics (yuck) and just a handful of what I like to call more mature scents. Anything created before say 1975 or so is definitely old dead man category for her. Looks like you are definitely wanting something in that "classic category". Here are some suggestions.

Guerlain Habit Rouge
Guerlain Vetiver
Guerlain Derby
Guerlain Jicky
Dior Eau Savage
Chanel Cuir de Russie
Knize 10
I don't know if you want to smell like an old man, or smell like something an old man would wear. I would however try AdP Colonia, as it ties it's roots back almost 100 years ago. Even though it's a very old scent it still has a classic, but modernness to it.
Definitely agree. I don't hate all "modern" scents, but I feel like many of them are overdone, and a lot of men our age are too happy with getting their fragrance out of an aerosol can. What kind of "mature scents" do you use?

My current "classic" favorites are Caesar's Man/Drakkar Noir (virtually interchangeable I like Caesar's Man because it lasts longer), Paco Rabanne (original, vintage), Bogart PH and Azzaro PH. I also LOVE Clubman aftershave which is the epitome of oldschool barbershop.
My favorite scent on me is Calvin Klein One. I just got some Dolce & Gabbana (Pour Homme), HiM by Hanae Mori, and I also like Jean Paul Gaultier "Le Male". At this time in my life, I tend to like the lighter, sweeter scents. No musk or anything like sandlewood, lavender, and most shaving products.

I need to find a way to test the scents of the shaving products before I spend any money on them. For now I am fine using canned Skintimate cream with an almost non-existent scent.
If you want REAL 1950's barbershop aroma ,then VITO'S Aftershaving aftershave is the best !.....Proraso is great,and very traditional as well.An old American favorite is Elsha aftershave,and it is still made in Los Angeles
Not in a dusty, moth ball sort of way, but something classic that would make Anita Ekberg swoon. That's all I ask.

I'm 24 and it seems like all guys my age want to be dipped in Hollister and Abercrombie garbage, nasty. Any suggestions for a guy born in the wrong decade?

I'm an old man too and I don't smell the same as me.:a38:
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