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Is it all in your minds?


I know everyone has their favourite honing method, I've only just started with my coti and so don't have anything to compare it with but I was wondering, is this all psychological? Has anyone tried to test the difference between the edges of HHT similar razors on anybody that doesn't know how each one was honed? I mean a blind test.




B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
For HHT where it passes root in, synthetic edges off my SS's still give me a slight burning sensation, while naturals don't. It isn't in a blind test, so it certainly could be in my mind :smile:.
All my tests are in the blind. Have you seen my glasses?

I think that different stones give a different feel to the edge. No science to support it from my end. Just me and my particle accelerator (1911).
Lots of publication aka peopel say that Coti's give a more skin friendly edge, JNATS can be associated with Hyper Sharp edges and Synthetics can also a mix of the two. Its not in your mind they all contribute something different to the edge at the end. An edge can only do so much as the honer is able to squeeze out of it. With some its too much and with others its not enough. I personally picked one type, the coti and just stayed with that no matter how often I wanted to just try something different. It enabled me to hone all my razors and not spend a boat load of money,anymore, and be happy.
I would not be able to pick the honing method out from the HHT. Yesterday I shaved with a razor from a member that wanted me to try out his honing. I could tell if was smooth but lack some keenness, I would have guessed it was a coti (I was right)-the honing was perfect.

I think JNATs give the same feeling with a bit more keenness.
I really love looking at my edges under a microscope. Comparing them under the scope does reveal some major differences between each of my finishers

For three of my finishers I can tell a very big difference by the way they look under magnification:

Coti - Quite a bit of scratches are left over the bevel, also the edge is refined but still a little jagged. Shave is comfortable but lacking the pure keenness I like.

Naniwa 12K - If enough passes are used its nearly mirror finish with hardly any scratching on the bevel under microscope. It literally looks like a mirror finish to the naked eye. The edge is very refined but a bit harsh during the shave, I get the same feeling on the skin as Doc describes.

JNAT (With full tomonagura dilution) - Under the scope the edge is super refined and there are very faint scratches but the bevel looks clean compared to the coti finish. The edge is very comfortable and sharp while shaving.
Similar to dakotaev's response. Coticule shows a toothy edge. Naniwa edge was much smoother (but mine isn't mirror under 400x if you turn it. It's mirror from one angle, and 30 degrees off that, the pattern is plain.) Jnat is powder finish and nearly as even edged as what Seraph shows off his finest film work (pretty much a perfect line under 400x), much smoother again from the naniwa.

I'll add that thuri's are right around naniwa for even-ness of the edge, give or take a touch. But scratch pattern tends to be a bit more hazy/finer.

Some people have mentioned that synth edges feel "harsh" to them. I'd say something similar to that. High end synths (I've had 30k professional finishes done on both glass-stone and shap pro's) and they honestly feel like a natural edge that wasn't properly stropped after. I won't get into my theories as to why that is, since it's nothing more than suspicions, but I prefer Jnats, thuris, even cotis (though as we've made clear they are plainly less sharp than high end synths) to synth finishes. That said, I find that using an Arkansas (or charnley, or fine slate) after a high end synth finish "fixes" it and may even be right up there with my favorite edges.
Different hones definitely produce edges with distinct feels. For perhaps the first two or three years, I was after the hone that produced the best edge. Now I want the hone that produces a very sharp edge quickly. Even if the edge it creates is a little livelier than I'd like, they all settle down after a few shaves.
i think my different finishers create very different feels on the face, just my opinion. of course YMMV as always. tom
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