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Is Irisch Moos dead and forgotten?

When I first came aboard B&B, Irisch Moos seemed to be a hot product. Now, I haven't noticed an Irisch Moos thread nor recommendation in a long time. I broke out my IM AS & EDT today because the warm weather has returned, and I'm really digging the green freshness of the scent. Old school but sophisticated at the same time. Pretty good face feel, too, even it doesn't match Speick. (Nothing does.) All in all, perfect for a casual Friday in springtime.

Anybody else still enjoying Irisch Moos?
As Disney once said, or sang. It's the circle of life.....

Products seem to go through hot phases then cool off, wash and repeat.
From what I've heard they stopped making it...not sure if that's true or not though. I've never tried anything other than the shave stick. I love the shave stick though. Smells great and performs great. I just wish I had enough to use it more often without having to worry about where I'm going to find more if I use it up.
I've stocked up on all Irisch Moos products. The shave stick, shave cream, the AS Lotion and AS Balsam.... as well as the EDT. I enjoy it all quite often, although the AS balsam seems to burn my face when first applied. It quickly cools down and my face is left smooth and soft. I enjoy the old school scent that no one really can seem to describe. Sort of a green, spicey, lavender IMO. I think that the discontuation of the soap stick turned it pretty cold on some, but I still rock the IM from time to time.

It has been out of production for almost a year now.

I have a small stash of it and I use it a couple times a month.

I think they made a big mistake when they discontinued that product

I used it last Sunday

From what I've heard they stopped making it...not sure if that's true or not though. I've never tried anything other than the shave stick. I love the shave stick though. Smells great and performs great. I just wish I had enough to use it more often without having to worry about where I'm going to find more if I use it up.

They stopped making the soap/shave stick. The rest of the line is still available, so if you like the aftershave, cream, or deodorant, they are still made.

I picked up a couple of sticks from another member during that last month. I milled one into my empty Tabac bowl, and the other remains in the closet for it's turn in the bowl.
I really liked the stick. I have only one left and it is squirreled away. When I need to reorder creams I will give the cream a try. I like the old school shave frags on occasion, Tabac, Irisch Moos, and Speick.
They stopped making the soap/shave stick. The rest of the line is still available, so if you like the aftershave, cream, or deodorant, they are still made.

I did not find the cream that good. Same smell, but poor lather.

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I'll have to try out the AS and the cream. It's a shame though that the cream isn't a good performer. The stick is great and I think I could be happy using it for the rest of my life. Have you really given the cream a good try or did you give up quickly? Just wondering if there is still some shred of hope for it or if it's not worth even trying.
Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I'll have to try out the AS and the cream. It's a shame though that the cream isn't a good performer. The stick is great and I think I could be happy using it for the rest of my life. Have you really given the cream a good try or did you give up quickly? Just wondering if there is still some shred of hope for it or if it's not worth even trying.

I initially used it as a component of Uberlather, and neither it nor Tabac creams provided any improvement.
Alone, they were difficult to lather... but understand I have hard water so YMMV.

Enough people buy it that they decided to discontinue only the soap.
I like the IM AS a lot. It is one of my 'standard' splashes and I even empty my bottles; a lot of bottles go down pretty fast halfway and then get stuck here but IM gets used all the way.

The stick is still available in the Netherlands but I have trouble enough getting through my first stick, just as with Tabac, as I don't think it is that great after all apart from the scent.
Hmmm...I wonder if a trade of some sort is in order if you are still able to find IM sticks. How much does a stick of IM go for where you are?
I couldn't believe it when I found out they stopped making the shave stick. My favourite soap ever I think (like tabac but the smell is nicer for me). Quite annoying really, but at least I still have one stick available. Great stuff all round, I would always recommend it.
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