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Is Domenico Caraceni Gone?

I've been trying to find it for months. Been watching LuckyScents and First in Fragrance, but no sign. Has anyone heard anything?
I don't believe it's in production anymore though luckyscent has a "notify me" button for when it's back in stock. I think it is officially unobtainium.
I've sent an email to the company asking if the edt is still in production... and about their shaving cream - my grail.

If I receive a response I'll report back.

I wonder if Marco has the skinny....
Well, I'm hoping chaos and rearview are right, and they only run batches once a year.
Hope you get good news, bythbook.
I've sent an email to the company asking if the edt is still in production... and about their shaving cream - my grail.

If I receive a response I'll report back.

I wonder if Marco has the skinny....

Did you ever hear back from the company?
I heard there were two manufacturers of the edt. There is an Italian website store that appears to carry it, but hey don't ship anywhere outside of Europe I believe. They do not respond to emails that I send 2x a year.
Up until last month I could still get samples from LuckyScent, so I'm not ready to write it off yet. Hard to think they would be selling samples for something that's no longer available. Possible, I guess, but it makes you think they expect it back in stock.
I imagine that margins on samples are pretty high and maybe once they crack open a bottle for samples, they have another 99 samples of 1ml available but no bottles.
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