Alum blocks last almost forever and generic witch hazel is cheap so I don't see any reason to choose.
It doesn't matter what the topic is -- better/best is always subjective. It's extremely unusual for there to ever a universally best anything. It surprises me that I always see this type of question on every discussion forum I visit, whether the forum is dedicated to shaving, computers/tech, smartphones, espresso machines, cars, you name it.Is an Alum block as good as witch hazel or better?
That does it. After all these replies, after I thought I had everything I needed, I am still buying more! Damn you AD's!!
Buying an alum block now! The witch hazel just isn't enough after reading this!
After a cold water rinse, I use the alum, then I clean the brush and scuttle, then rinse first with witch hazel, and then another rinse with copious amounts of more cold water.
My Dad used to put Alum powder in a bottle of WitchHazel...He'd shake it up, and splash it on...Swore by it...afterwards he would use whatever AS he wanted.