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I use powdered alum because...


I use powdered alum because a styptic pencil is too one-trick-pony for me.
I got 100 grams of alum for £2 and put in an airtight titanium tin.

The powder is a lot more versatile - I`m a herbalist and successfully treated a friend`s huge, painful mouth ulcer in 6 hours !
Applied it at 6am - by midday it was gone !

It works well as a good astringent singly but in combination with sodium bicarb and a vasoconstrictor and cicatrisant like cypress essential oil it is a lot more synergistic.

It saved my friend a trip to the dentist - and on advice, definitely involving topical steroids - antibiotics and possible tooth extraction if it spread to the jaw - she went back to work that afternoon and before that she could barely talk and hardly eat.
How do you apply it for use after shaving?
You just dab it on slightly damp skin Stainsor.
The good thing about the powder is there's is no cross-contamination because you're not using an alum bar - so much more hygienic - like using liquid soap instead of a bar.
You just dab it on slightly damp skin Stainsor.
The good thing about the powder is there's is no cross-contamination because you're not using an alum bar - so much more hygienic - like using liquid soap instead of a bar.
If you have an Alum bar and want to powder it Stainsor just grate it or put it in a mortar and pestle and pound it.

I'm a herbalist ; I do it all the time ; it's therapeutic bashing it and making medicine haha !
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