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Inventory Change at Target

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let people know that the Target stores here in my area (San Jose, CA) have changed their shaving shelves.. A few weeks ago there had the Van Der Hagen shave set, Van Der Hagen badger brush and Van Der Hagen luxury soaps on the shelf. Over the weekend I went to two Targets and noticed that they have moved all the colognes to the shaving area so have removed items to make room. Now only the Van Der Hagen shave set is seen on the self.. the bander brush that sold for $10 and the soap in no longer seen and I could not even find a spot on the shelf for them. So seem they are removing some of the few wet shaving supplies they had. :crying:
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The last time I was in Target, about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that nearly all the VDH slots were empty, except for the shave set. I suspect by now those slots are filled with other products. It's too bad that's happening, but if the products aren't selling, you can't blame Target for filling up that space with something else.
This is happening at the target store in my area NEPA as well. Sad to see it go, my VDH my only brush as of right now, and I gotta say it was a good and affordable start.
The last time I was in Target, about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that nearly all the VDH slots were empty, except for the shave set. I suspect by now those slots are filled with other products. It's too bad that's happening, but if the products aren't selling, you can't blame Target for filling up that space with something else.

Well I'm not sure how well they were selling or not, but just watching it over the Christmas holiday I noticed quite of bit of product move in the VDH area.. all the soap and brushes sold out a few times and were restocked. I also noticed a new gillette sign saying something that said you can shave for as little as 1 dollar a week. /conspiracy Could gillette be applying pressure to these stores to pull the old "wet shaving" products to stem the tide of returning to traditional shaving? /consiracy off

Hmm maybe that could be used as a fireside horror story one day.. :wink1:
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Mine as well. Hopefully it can be chalked to high demand for a great product and inventory has to catch up.
we shave for 1 dollar a week or less Gillette needs to learn the old school way is back and it here for good they can start offering to us again or we can leave them in the past ...it actly pains me to say that I love my Gillette DE and there blades :(
This is happening at the target store in my area NEPA as well. Sad to see it go, my VDH my only brush as of right now, and I gotta say it was a good and affordable start.

I too am using one of the VDH badger brushes.. A good affordable "starter" brush. I picked up a spare in January on a whim with the thought of the coming (Shave)ageddon. Now I feel a bit more vindicated in that impulse purchase..
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...wet shave would end it picking back up in Portugal and spain and I think the france are getting back in to it so my family and has been saying from what they seen in the areas I think Gillette is getting worried and want to stop it before it get to big
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let people know that the Target stores here in my area (San Jose, CA) have changed their shaving shelves.. A few weeks ago there had the Van Der Hagen shave set, Van Der Hagen badger brush and Van Der Hagen luxury soaps on the shelf. Over the weekend I went to two Targets and noticed that they have moved all the colognes to the shaving area so have removed items to make room. Now only the Van Der Hagen shave set is seen on the self.. the bander brush that sold for $10 and the soap in no longer seen and I could not even find a spot on the shelf for them. So seem they are removing some of the few wet shaving supplies they had. :crying:

I noticed this several weeks ago in the Chicago area as well.
Since the VDH soaps and such were moving the close out may also mean moving to yet another wet shave product as I understand Target was stocking a bunch of Proraso products sometime back.
Ya know the thing of it is that if Gillette would bring out some good wet-shaving stuff as a throwback kind of item I'd buy it. I don't need it, but I'd buy it because 1. I acknowledge and appreciate those kinds of efforts from companies that acknowledge their heritage and 2. I'm addicted to buying shaving stuff! Seems like a no-brainer, but I've seen a lot of things that I think are no-brainers never come to fruition.
In Halifax, NS you cant find a proper wet shave item if your life depended on it. There is one place (Tobacco Shop in Downtown Halifax) that has one or two models of Merkur razor and a couple of shave soaps. But they want double the price including shipping Fendrihan is asking plus some. Complete blatant rip off.

Merkur 37c is $99 plus tax and a puck of Kent branded Mitchell's wool fat is $40 plus tax, just the refill not the bowl. The one with the bowl is sixty something.

Shoppers drug mart has proraso. But good luck finding a good brush or DE blades anywhere in the province.
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I noticed this several weeks ago in the Chicago area as well.
Since the VDH soaps and such were moving the close out may also mean moving to yet another wet shave product as I understand Target was stocking a bunch of Proraso products sometime back.

Ooohh.. that brings up a nice topic.. What would be your wish list product on wet shaving for target to put on the shelves.

Mine.. I wouldn't mind seeing some Tabac soaps and AS on the shelves

Also maybe a DE razor or two: Merkur or some other brand maybe..

What do you all think?
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Its too bad I liked the VDH Luxury soap that Target had.

Me too.. I know it's available online for purchase.. but it's nice to be able to walk up to a shelf and get a look (and smell :blush: ) at the soap in hand prior to the purchase. Target was the only local store that had a "good" quality soap at an affordable price for simple pickup.
While Target may be downsizing in the wet shave area, Walmart seems to be beefing theirs up. Not really too fancy a selection, but they have added some creams and aftershaves. I'm actually kinda surprised, didn't see big wally world going that route.
There was one Target in our sister city that carried the VDH soaps and apothecary mug set.

I went in there two days ago to get soap and it was nowhere to be found. No slot for it on the shelves. Like another poster mentioned, it had been replaced with boxes of colognes.

Luckily, there is a Walgreens near that Target that, for now, carries both the luxury soaps by VDH. They ask five bucks a puck for them so it is a dollar and change more than Target sold theirs for.

I suspect that it wasn't a good seller so they waxed it from their inventory. Pity....I really enjoyed buying it there.

Really don't have much of a reason to shop at Target now.
I was at Target with weekend also. I went by the shaving aisle just to see what kind of stuff they had and to remind myself how bad Gillette and Schick were sticking it to me on cartridges. While I was standing there another guy came down the aisle. He looks the cartridges over and pulls two packs of Fusion ProGlide at about $4 a cartridge and put them in his cart. I smiled to myself and thought, "sucker!"
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