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Interesting conversation at work today

One of my coworkers was a little (OK...More than a little) razor burned today, and complained that despite shaving at around lunchtime, he was feeling in need of another shave by dinner time. Then he asked me if I shaved every day, saying that he could never recall seeing me with anything more than a '5 o'clock shadow' going on.

30 minutes later I'd explained what a DE razor is, shaving brush, shaving cream, etc. He's using a cartridge razor with hot water, skipping any kind of later at all completely.

Haven't convinced him to make the switch yet, but I'll keep on it...
One of my coworkers was a little (OK...More than a little) razor burned today, and complained that despite shaving at around lunchtime, he was feeling in need of another shave by dinner time. Then he asked me if I shaved every day, saying that he could never recall seeing me with anything more than a '5 o'clock shadow' going on.

30 minutes later I'd explained what a DE razor is, shaving brush, shaving cream, etc. He's using a cartridge razor with hot water, skipping any kind of later at all completely.

Haven't convinced him to make the switch yet, but I'll keep on it...

I've read/heard about this a lot. Guys shaving with water only, or with shaving cream only. :blink:

Even when I used a catridge and canned foam/gel, I always thought razor + shaving cream + water = shaving.

Oh well, if he doesn't completely jump over to DE shaving, at least convince the dude to use canned foam.
What is most unfortunate, is here sits a man, his face is red, he is uncomfortable and complaining. Yet, you offer him advise and a wonderful solution to his problem and he probably got the glazed over look that I have encounterd numerous times! :001_huh: I have come to realize that MOST will not make the jump to wetshaving unless you PIF a set to them. I have done so with 5 people and of course, all of them are still using a using a DE and loving it! Good luck and maybe, just maybe, he will see the light!
I have made a few converts at my male orientated work enviorment. It is not a subject you talk about, if you bring it up they look at you funny but...when you give them a cheap brush and say try it...they get it. Maybe the D/E will come later but many many men ate upset about the cost involved in cartridge razors.
The points on price hit home, but the shaving soap and brush I think got mostly ignored. He thinks that shaving cream (Well, canned goo...) doesn't do anything for him.

He told me that he sometimes has to make 5-7 passes with his 5 bladed cartridge razor to get everything...

I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I told him that my secret to never showing up with a shadow or looking like a hobo was to shave once a day with a single bladed razor, and i only made 2-3 passes...

Oh, edit: I did tell him to go home and do a youtube.com search for "Mantic" and watch some of the stuff on DE shaving and lathering. Heh, can't think of anybody else who can explain it to him complete with pictures!
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The points on price hit home, but the shaving soap and brush I think got mostly ignored. He thinks that shaving cream (Well, canned goo...) doesn't do anything for him.

He told me that he sometimes has to make 5-7 passes with his 5 bladed cartridge razor to get everything...
That's a shame, because probably he'd get a decent shave even with his cartridge razor if he'd only pay attention to lathering. A thin cream like Cremo might be a good match for a multi-blade razor, but if he won't listen, it's his loss.

I only recall one recent work conversation about shaving. My boss mentioned that I look so clean shaven. When I told him that I used old fashioned single blade razors, though, he laughed and said they couldn't be as good as multi-bladed cartridges. Then he said that he uses an electric. Sometimes people just seem so impervious to logic and evidence.
The points on price hit home, but the shaving soap and brush I think got mostly ignored. He thinks that shaving cream (Well, canned goo...) doesn't do anything for him.

He told me that he sometimes has to make 5-7 passes with his 5 bladed cartridge razor to get everything...

I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I told him that my secret to never showing up with a shadow or looking like a hobo was to shave once a day with a single bladed razor, and i only made 2-3 passes...

Oh, edit: I did tell him to go home and do a youtube.com search for "Mantic" and watch some of the stuff on DE shaving and lathering. Heh, can't think of anybody else who can explain it to him complete with pictures!

Oooooh okay...you told him about Mantic59. That's all you had to say! :thumbup: That's who taught me how to wet shave.

If he has any sense, he'll make the switch soon enough. I mean, he has to do something. How long can a guy make 5-7 passes a day without completely shaving his face off?
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The points on price hit home, but the shaving soap and brush I think got mostly ignored. He thinks that shaving cream (Well, canned goo...) doesn't do anything for him.

He told me that he sometimes has to make 5-7 passes with his 5 bladed cartridge razor to get everything...

I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I told him that my secret to never showing up with a shadow or looking like a hobo was to shave once a day with a single bladed razor, and i only made 2-3 passes...

Oh, edit: I did tell him to go home and do a youtube.com search for "Mantic" and watch some of the stuff on DE shaving and lathering. Heh, can't think of anybody else who can explain it to him complete with pictures!

What? Does he realize he's dragging a blade across his face THIRTY-FIVE TIMES when he does this? Without any protection? And he wonders why he's getting razor burn.
I am surprised he has not completely torn his face up. It sounds like he is shaving multiple times a day without any lubrication. SHould he decide to go DE, I may advice him to wait a few days of growth to allow his face a little recoup time. Then take it very slowly. With that much irritation he may have several weepers or down right bleeds his first shaves that will be a complete turn off to DE.

I have ben amazed at how quickly my irritation has abated since I switched to DE.
Good grief. Do you have any samples of cream, etc. you can leave on that poor guy's desk?

I think the best way to convince someone is to do a PIF. You can give him a cheap VDH set up and toss in some cream samples if you can. Don't forget to de-stinkify the brush first. The easier you can make the initial transition the better.

This doesn't always work though. I have a co-worker that can only shave every 3 days because his fusion rips his face up so bad it looks like he shaved with a cheese grater. I tried to PIF him some stuff and he ran from it like dracula from a cross. He now likes to tell people that I am impervious to pain because I shave with de's and straights. Somehow the fact that every 3 days he has terrible razor burn while I shave everyday and never have any doesn't sink in.

Good luck.
I think the best way to convince someone is to do a PIF. You can give him a cheap VDH set up and toss in some cream samples if you can. Don't forget to de-stinkify the brush first. The easier you can make the initial transition the better.

This doesn't always work though. I have a co-worker that can only shave every 3 days because his fusion rips his face up so bad it looks like he shaved with a cheese grater. I tried to PIF him some stuff and he ran from it like dracula from a cross. He now likes to tell people that I am impervious to pain because I shave with de's and straights. Somehow the fact that every 3 days he has terrible razor burn while I shave everyday and never have any doesn't sink in.

Good luck.

You can show and tell some people how to get a great shave, but they're either in complete denial or just don't want to take the effort to get a better shave.

To each his own I guess.


Goose Poop Connoisseur
When I shaved with a cartridge, I just used water. Canned shave cream doesn't do much anyway. It takes your face about a week to get used to water only but my skin improved not being subjected to all the canned chemicals.

I was camping a couple of months ago and got a decent shave shaving dry with a Bic.

I shave with a badger brush, soap and DE because it is such a luxury. I've been married thirty five years and if I want to be pampered I have to pamper myself.

That guy shaving three times a day with water is either an idiot or a masochist.
Ouch! the poor guy! I think that I got razor burn just reading this.

I remember the bad old days (sadly) with goop and a cart razor. Good luck introducing him to proper wet shaving, and thanks for helping hopefully start another convert on the way to better shaves.
The points on price hit home, but the shaving soap and brush I think got mostly ignored. He thinks that shaving cream (Well, canned goo...) doesn't do anything for him.

He told me that he sometimes has to make 5-7 passes with his 5 bladed cartridge razor to get everything...

I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I told him that my secret to never showing up with a shadow or looking like a hobo was to shave once a day with a single bladed razor, and i only made 2-3 passes...

Oh, edit: I did tell him to go home and do a youtube.com search for "Mantic" and watch some of the stuff on DE shaving and lathering. Heh, can't think of anybody else who can explain it to him complete with pictures!

It sounds like you have an individual that seeks sympathy rather than a solution. I have had too many dealings with these types. What I usually tell them after a few times is this, "Why do you seek advice for a condition that you supposedly want to stop, but you will not even try the suggestion?" :confused1 You have provided an alternative to the problem, but the individual does not want to take it for whatever reason (logical or irrational). If the subject comes up again, tell the person that you have offered a solution and that you have no alternate method to endorse.

If a person wants to change they will make the attempt.

Good fortune.
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I used to shave like that in basic training in the late 90's. But, it was with a two blade disposable and only hot water usually 3-4 passes. Man, my face hurt back then, but I think that is why my face is like boot leather now. I really don't find many razors aggressive that others complain about.

It sounds like you have an individual that seeks sympathy rather than a solution. I have had too many dealings with these types. What I usually tell them after a few times is this, "Why do you seek advice for a condition that you supposedly want to stop, but you will not even try the suggestion?" :confused1 You have provided an alternative to the problem, but the individual does not want to take it for whatever reason (logical or irrational). If the subject comes up again, tell the person that you have offered a solution and that you have no alternate method to endorse.

If a person wants to change they will make the attempt.

Good fortune.
+1,000,000 I couldn't agree with this more.
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