Hello! I recently received a Lamy Safari Demonstrator with an Extra Fine nib, Lamy Black ink and a Z24 converter. The pen came with a blue cartridge in it and I quickly worked my through that. I thought all was well with that ink, until I filled the converter with the black ink. When I did this, a couple things happened for me.
1. I realized that the process of filling the converter was fun, in an odd way.
2. I realized I did not enjoy the blue ink that came with the pen. The blue just wasn't very blue, had no personality so to speak and I had realized it washed away easily.
3. I realized I had a problem; I wanted to try more inks. More colorful, playful inks to be specific.
So, with my realizations, specifically #3, would you fine people of The Nib be kind enough to recommend inks that dry semi quickly, are colorful and work with well with my pen? I am looking to add a few to my Amazon Wish List in hopes that a loved one finds it and realizes I now need ink
1. I realized that the process of filling the converter was fun, in an odd way.
2. I realized I did not enjoy the blue ink that came with the pen. The blue just wasn't very blue, had no personality so to speak and I had realized it washed away easily.
3. I realized I had a problem; I wanted to try more inks. More colorful, playful inks to be specific.
So, with my realizations, specifically #3, would you fine people of The Nib be kind enough to recommend inks that dry semi quickly, are colorful and work with well with my pen? I am looking to add a few to my Amazon Wish List in hopes that a loved one finds it and realizes I now need ink