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Ink - good and bad so far

Just emptied out my metro to remove private reserve tanzanite quick dry ink. It seemed to dry up the nib, and gave me problems from the start. I really like the color, but will have to find a different purple to use, maybe just a bit darker.

I've replaced it with black cherry from a sample. I really like the color, and the metro is back to working as soon as I start writing. I think the fast dry ink may not be what my pen needs.
I like inks for the colour and how nice it flows... beyond that any quick dry or bullet proof I'm not so concerned with

Samples are great for finding out what you like and what works for you

Great to see you having fun so far
Absolutely. It is nice getting the pen out and knowing it will write immediately. I will try the quick dry in a 616 when it arrives, and hopefully it will like that pen better. I'm running supershow blue in my parker 21, and it is probably going to be staying in that pen.
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