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injector blades

Hi i'm just waiting for my schick eversharp to arrive and am looking to buy some blades, the only ones i can find in the uk are personna stainless coated blades at £5.90 for 20 or schick platinum at £4.90 for 5
i'm tempted to go for the personna because of value for money, but not if the cost is a poor shave, are the personnas ok or is worth spending more on the schicks?
I don't think you'll find a problem with the Personna. We sometimes find a problem with the Personna injector cartridges, as they're dimensionally out and thus difficult to mate with some of the razors.

- Chris
I don't think you'll find a problem with the Personna. We sometimes find a problem with the Personna injector cartridges, as they're dimensionally out and thus difficult to mate with some of the razors.

- Chris

Not only that, but the cartridges actually have a tendency to fall apart, the plastic part separating from the metal. With my CVS cartridges, which I believe are rebranded Personnas, I actually have to make sure I hold the parts together when pulling the magazine key out of the slot. The blades themselves work great, though.
Not only that, but the cartridges actually have a tendency to fall apart, the plastic part separating from the metal. With my CVS cartridges, which I believe are rebranded Personnas, I actually have to make sure I hold the parts together when pulling the magazine key out of the slot. The blades themselves work great, though.
+1, that's what I'm using right now. The CVS magazine disintegrated on the first blade I loaded into my injector, probably because I had to use a bit of force to get the old blade out (the NOS Personna 74s I was using previously shaved great but the coating on them got sticky with age and they were a real pain to load and replace). I reloaded the CVS blades into the Personna magazine and all was well.
There are basically two injector choices available: Personnas from American Safety Razor Co. sold under various outlets and names, and Schicks made in China.

Also there are NOS Schicks made in the USA and Personna 74's(Same metal and plastic dispenser as you show in the post above), when you can find them. Prices usually are in the $1.00/blade range.

That's about four times what I can get a 15-pack of Personnas for at the Meijer store down the road, $3.99. Meijer is a chain of stores operating in a 5-state midwest-US area, including where DougK, 82R100, and myself reside.

The Personnas shave OK, but not as smooth or as close as I can get with DE blades costing about half as much.

Word is the Chicks (Chinese Schicks) are better, but at what price? Drugstore.com has the best deal on them, but I don't know if they ship internationally, or at what price.

Yesterday I shaved with a Gillette Super Blue blade, their first coated one, dated 1962. The shave was tolerable, but not as good as I'm expecting from the 25 NOS Wilkinson(UK) blades that came in the same lot from the good ol' days.
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...Also there are NOS Schicks made in the USA and Personna 74's(Same metal and plastic dispenser as you show in the post above), when you can find them. Prices usually are in the $1.00/blade range.

My NOS Personna 74s are in an all metal injector cartridge.

- Chris
The Schicks are far superior.

I get mine from drugstore.com. They are about a buck apiece. I get 6 good shaves out of them, minimum.
toeknee, this does you little good since you're in the UK so this goes out to all the folks in the U.S. I found Chinese Schicks in the clearance bin in Walgreens yesterday for $1.47. Great find but very foreboding on what is to come - injector blades appear to be gone from the brick-and-mortar stores and they are very expensive to mail order. Get them while you can.
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