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Injector blade longevity test

Some weeks ago, I loaded three Injector razors with three different blades. While it was not my initial intent, I decided to keep rotating them until I could no longer get a good shave out of them. The Personna 74 dropped out after 10 shaves, but the EMS and NOS Schick Plus Platinum are still going. This morning was shave 15 (!) with the EMS blade; tomorrow will be shave 15 with the Plus Platinum.

To be fair, the Personna 74 was the first blade out of the injector, and thus may not be demonstrative of that blade's performance. I plan on restarting this test in November, with a fresh blade in "type I1" Injectors, to see if the results come out differently.

I am surprised by the number of shaves I have gotten out of these blades. How far have you pushed an Injector blade?
I am surprised by the number of shaves I have gotten out of these blades. How far have you pushed an Injector blade?

I usually get around 8 shaves out of a regular injector blade (be it an actual Schick, or a Personna/ Ted Pella).

I had one of the Personna 74's, and pushed it to about 18 shaves. At that point it was starting to degrade, but boredom was starting to take over too.


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Not there far, at least in modern times :ohmy: But I don't, save for the annual "Week of Schickness" type events, use the injector every day, probably twice a week. I think just sitting after getting wet & shaving accelerates the deterioration of the blade. I use at least 7 times over a month or so before it starts to tug & gets discarded
I have noticed inconsistencies in the NOS Schicks. I had one last 10 days, then the next one lasted 4 or 5. I try to notice how well the shave is going to determine when to switch blades.....
I know this may be a strong statement but I feel an injector style razor may be the most perfect Shaving System ever developed.
I never nick or slice with an injector.
The shaves are consistent every time, some here describe it as "Boring"
Perhaps the thicker steel used in the blades prolong the durability. Or the angle engineered into the head is close to perfect.
All I know is using a DE is fun, challenging in a straight razor kind of way. But when I am in a hurry and need a good shave, canned cream and an injector does the trick.
I've never met a "Bad" injector blade, just good, better, more better. I have yet to try "Best", it may no longer exist.
I know this may be a strong statement but I feel an injector style razor may be the most perfect Shaving System ever developed.
I never nick or slice with an injector.
The shaves are consistent every time, some here describe it as "Boring"
Perhaps the thicker steel used in the blades prolong the durability. Or the angle engineered into the head is close to perfect.
All I know is using a DE is fun, challenging in a straight razor kind of way. But when I am in a hurry and need a good shave, canned cream and an injector does the trick.
I've never met a "Bad" injector blade, just good, better, more better. I have yet to try "Best", it may no longer exist.

I pretty much agree and am finding SEs to be similar.....My biggest complaint about some Injector blades is their tendency to cause weepers while others do not. I have never had an injector that is not at least good at hair removal, at least for a few shaves....
I can't get as close with DE as I can with SE or injector. On that same note, I can have a workable shave with a DE if I got careless and used too much pressure with the injector the last time.

I got 12 good shaves with a personna 74 (2 more workable, #15 pulled), whereas I get 3 good shaves (4th is workable, 5th is pushing) out of a regular schick blade. Usually means I change the blade out before the sunday night shave, means I have ~18 months of blades here right now.

I rinse and then dip in isopropyl every shave. Give the razor a quick scrub with a toothbrush to get the scum off before I change the blade. So it's not an issue with water staying on the blade degrading it.
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