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Inhale an ember

I'm fairly new to pipe smoking, but has anybody else inhaled an ember when they got towards the bottom of the bowl?

I did that last night with my Straight MM Diplomat Cob. And man that doesn't feel good.
It's one of those things that builds character... and teaches you not to draw too hard when you get to the bottom of the bowl.
The MM cobs are bad at allow that to happen if you're not aware. It's the way the shank is fixed in the bowl combined with the large bore in the shank. but on the bright side, I bet you won't do it agian!
The MM cobs are bad at allow that to happen if you're not aware. It's the way the shank is fixed in the bowl combined with the large bore in the shank. but on the bright side, I bet you won't do it agian!

It was definitely a sure sign that I was done with the bowl.
You can put a filter back in the cob (that's the first thing I toss personally) or you could also take about a 1" long piece of pipe cleaner, fold it in half and put it in the stem and that'll keep the embers out. I love my cobs but they are bad at letting little bits and embers through.
Yep, I've done that before as well. Not very pleasant. A filter would help prevent that, like COHunter suggested.
Yep, happen to me just the other day. Just puff easy & be more cautious when you getting to the bottom of the bowl. Once you get some cake built up in the bottom around the shank it's a bit easier to tell when your close to the bottom.
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