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Thought I would post that I went back to shaving with an electric razor for a week or so to see what would happen re ingrown hairs. Basically, decades ago, I switched from some double track razor to electric and finally grew a beard because I was plagued with ingrown hairs. Then a couple of years ago I switched to using a straight, along with a fairly elaborate prep and post shave ritual, and have been getting essentially zero ingrown hairs.

Thougt I would test to see whether it was just aging and change in skiin therefrom, or even different face washes, that caused ingrowns not to be an issue any more or whether it really was using a straight with lots of preparation and post shave.

Well, the answer seems clear. I am getting massive outbreaks of ingrowns using the electric, just like before.
Put the electric razor down.


Now step slowly away from it and never go back.

Mostly just a test, although I may keep using it as a touchup for my mustache and chin areas. I can do a rather good job on both with a straight, if I am careful and take my time, but I do not consistently either take my time or be careful. For the mustache, it really is just a matter of taking the time and doing it right. On the chin, old acne scars tend to snag the razor and I am not sure I can be careful enough and still get as close as I would like.

I am not doctrinare on any of this stuff, which may surprise some folks as I am also generally a very big proponent of straights. I like what works, and I suppose also what is "fun," interesting, etc.

BTW, I hope no one thinks that an electric is inherently less irritating in any respect than wet shaving. There are some things things I like about an electric. But even apart from ingrowns, in my experience it takes a long time for one's skin to acclimate to an electric shaver. They seem fairly harsh.
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